
Showing posts from December, 2022

antiaction series layout notes

Do another version after 21st on A2 paper without compression thing on. add touch ups to the 1st painting. stiff as a plank.?or just plank as title? dada vibe. take photos after each session. could turn into zine? on recovery or smthn idfk. or trilogy if going to do 3 sessions... give title to each one of the tryptich? could turn it into a zine/pamphlet fold out vibe thing 1st session: 14th 2nd: 22nd? 3rd: 30th or a bit later after newyr? 1. painting I                              Session 1- Take photo of dried img -- filmed on 14th                              Session 2- Take photo of dried img -- 22nd? Film session 2 anyway? go over it enough, kill darlings. but also see some of it through is ok/good/preferred. concentrate less on movement? but also keep it in mind to create new layer.                              Session 3- Take photo of dried img --                                                        minor touch ups Not filming other sessions -- make more about movement. doing

action piece - shootin

wrote this out on thursday/day before surgery of the things id decided on. Filming.  kept it short n sweet.  top surgery recovery is no joke!! was very tireddd. between 10-15min was tired. even setting up made me tired n I didn't even do anything bc i asked desiree to do it as i cant lift stuff lmao after shooting thoughts: really wanted to make a video post surgery on painting as I have limited movement n I've done it now so I can chill fully lol . might record another one closer to new year  like was thinking aboit action painting n performance art etc and how they put motion into the painting so to contrast this n make something of having limited movement would be interestin And I think this oncoming year i wanna focus on semantics n my body since I've had surgery n gonna be rebuilding myself in a way after years of being so far away from my physicality . Will b tough but it will b fun . idk what this lil ramble is decided I think im going to perhaps do another layer???

Abstract Expressionism book - action art bits notes

 Abstract Expressionsim - lack of money & feelings of rejection from American Society & Art Establishment led to artist to turn to other artists  Despite these informal groups, the artists were never quite comfortable with the idea of community  threatened individual indentity (v american) 'The Intrasubjectives' - essay by Rosenberg - create from an internal world rather than an external one - wide range of intellectual references influenced the way thought about self: Existentialism, anti communist anarchism, n the american traditions of transcendentalism n self reliance. Lots of different values/intentions, - the painting as a new object (kinda similar to sculptures?) 'we might argue that these artists were not expressing themselves, but trying to figure out how to make an artwork that was not a version of any pre-existing object' Not having a 'finished' painting. The painting is just the beginning, if successful enough goes on to become something else

Action art - research

ACTION ART: Have a book on abstract expressionism so decided to use that as primary research. seem to not be about filming them. less about the performance and movement of it. They say its not about the painting but the process, but the paintings tend to be the only proof/evidence of the process. Conclusion: in my opiniion, Action art is still about the 'final' product of the painting.. even tho they say it isnt.  thoughts on action art - not about throwing self about, now think about it i think theres a lot of misunderstanding of action art?? franz kline doesnt paint like a maniac lmao. Fluxus, Action Art, Performance Art. Process Art Painting as Performance Choreography kline de kooning

Fluxus action art post surgery - ideaaa

doing it on door used red paint as base. thats what had to hand Trying to find studio footage of action art.   Action art is a lot about movement so camera doesn't matter as artist is moving above, whereas the point of mine is that i wont really b able to move so i need to think about camera placement as this will affect whether the audience can see the painting or not. Could use this to my potential? create a silhouette kinda thing in low lighting so its more about the movement of body and the restriction of my arms rather than the actual painting which could be revealed at the end? want to watch more video art?  action painting: decide where to do it?? and shot and angle ideas trying to find refs from studio footage for shot and angle insp… door longways or upright? Action paintings To dos: Draw out map for where lights and camera could go ?? prep paint - needs mixing with water? could do tests do see paint to water ratio? watch vids and look in expressionist book  QUESTIONS T

dead red -doorprep

Forgot to post about this. I prepped the door for an action piece i decided to do post surgery (which is now filmed yay), and decided to film it for fun on my laptop.   used red as wanted to use emulsion for a nice matte effect n only had red lol realise bc laptop webcam is on the bottom of my screen its hard 2 angle bc can see the keyboard otherwise, but i liked how it turned out. For the sound, I wanted some ambient shite but also at the same time i had paint it black by the rolling stones stuck in my head as the song is about painting doors. thought it would be funny to reverse the song as in the song it says about painting red doors black however I was painting the door red. THen I also thought as I wanted it to have a more ambient music vibe, I would slow the whole song down as the vid was 17min anyway.  Came out cool I think and i feel it has a ritualistic vibe and for some reason looks kinda slow motion even though its not???? sometimes its also difficult to title silly little t

binding video
