action piece - shootin

wrote this out on thursday/day before surgery of the things id decided on.

kept it short n sweet. 
top surgery recovery is no joke!! was very tireddd. between 10-15min was tired. even setting up made me tired n I didn't even do anything bc i asked desiree to do it as i cant lift stuff lmao

after shooting thoughts:
really wanted to make a video post surgery on painting as I have limited movement n I've done it now so I can chill fully lol . might record another one closer to new year 

like was thinking aboit action painting n performance art etc and how they put motion into the painting so to contrast this n make something of having limited movement would be interestin

And I think this oncoming year i wanna focus on semantics n my body since I've had surgery n gonna be rebuilding myself in a way after years of being so far away from my physicality . Will b tough but it will b fun . idk what this lil ramble is

decided I think im going to perhaps do another layer??? or another separate painting as part of the series?? 
pros of doing on top is that its like layers. can always see layers irl. like the nice thing about art is we can capture moments that would otherwise only be saved my memory, but also painting over the top can show n resemle the progress? like it covers it up. 
At the same time I think using that painting as a base would be difficult to not just try develop it further. like if I did another painting on top it would be more of a continuation of the one I just did . 

This vid was about the motion and movement esp at the beginning, but if i did another layer it wouldnt be about the movement it would be about the painting?

Maybe dont do antoher video, but i think its good i stopoped filming when i did as the painting was becoming less and less about movement. I think i can maybe add to the painting as i recover and paint over stuff etc, maybe photograph it, kind of like a separate thing not tied to the video.,
I like the idea of adding to the painting and going over stuff etc. Like that photo series of willem de kooning woman i. the progression and going over stuff doesnt mean its not there underneath. other people cant see it, nor can i, but I will remember it and i think thats a nice metaphor for surgery experience and just life in general i guess.

I could try making a another video after i get the post op binder off, just to see how it goes n can always do nothing with the footage...

thoughts on the actual painting:

Lots of little bits of the painting that i like, but idk if i like it as a whole.

Boxes??? thought before hand that I was going to paint a square to set off in. both to give something to go from and also to keep within the frame of the camera kind of.

As as painting noticed was using mostly stiff and cautious movements. v aware of my body as having to b careful . havent watched the footage back as of yet but gonna do another post when i do.

also body is v stiff atm with the compression vest on n like the stiff movements.

there are aspects of it i rlly like but not sure if I like it as a whole... hence why I think if I go back and do another session on it I would more likely to just be editing it....

Want to/touch ups: Extend the lines & add more negative space


do i do more on top of it/another session?

THink i am going to do another session. I have an A2 piece of card so i could stick it over or stick on wall n do another filming on the motion without the compression on so maybe can see more motion of my body? this way i think it will help make it less about the painting and more the action/movment/lack of movememnt.
then can also touch up the painting and add to it however much i want and take photos of it after each session. 

Do another version after 21st on A2 paper without compression thing on.

add touch ups to the 1st painting. stiff as a plank.?or just plank as title? dada vibe. take photos after each session. could turn into zine? on recovery or smthn idfk. or trilogy if going to do 3 sessions... give title to each one of the tryptich? could turn it into a zine/pamphlet fold out vibe thing


