antiaction series layout notes

Do another version after 21st on A2 paper without compression thing on.

add touch ups to the 1st painting. stiff as a plank.?or just plank as title? dada vibe. take photos after each session. could turn into zine? on recovery or smthn idfk. or trilogy if going to do 3 sessions... give title to each one of the tryptich? could turn it into a zine/pamphlet fold out vibe thing

1st session: 14th 2nd: 22nd? 3rd: 30th or a bit later after newyr?

1. painting I
                        Session 1- Take photo of dried img -- filmed on 14th

                        Session 2- Take photo of dried img -- 22nd? Film session 2 anyway?
go over it enough, kill darlings. but also see some of it through is ok/good/preferred. concentrate less on movement? but also keep it in mind to create new layer.

                        Session 3- Take photo of dried img -- 
                                          minor touch ups

Not filming other sessions -- make more about movement. doing multiple sessions will make it less about movement, but by adding to it as a painting, can develop upon the theme of surgery recovery & have a progression on it As a Painting.

Title Videos after the number of days I was post surgery? eg vid1 can be FIVE, 

    Video I ptii. WEBCAM

3. Video II
painting II. shirt off so can see back/body movements a bit?? idk

4. painting II
Drawing on A2. not about painting. black . painting not really relevant to series, more outcome of vid 2 i guess, a Byproduct.

Thinking... DONT show final drawings on videos just to separate them from the final painting and focus more on movement.?
