Abstract Expressionism book - action art bits notes

 Abstract Expressionsim

- lack of money & feelings of rejection from American Society & Art Establishment led to artist to turn to other artists 

Despite these informal groups, the artists were never quite comfortable with the idea of community  threatened individual indentity (v american)

'The Intrasubjectives'
- essay by Rosenberg
- create from an internal world rather than an external one

- wide range of intellectual references influenced the way thought about self:
Existentialism, anti communist anarchism, n the american traditions of transcendentalism n self reliance.

Lots of different values/intentions,
- the painting as a new object (kinda similar to sculptures?)

'we might argue that these artists were not expressing themselves, but trying to figure out how to make an artwork that was not a version of any pre-existing object'

Not having a 'finished' painting. The painting is just the beginning, if successful enough goes on to become something else.

De Kooning 'Woman I' (1950-52)
worked on for 2 yrs n didnt consider finished until friends convinced him n his dealer removed it from his studio. occassional photos of the work in progress were taken by Rudy Burckhardt. Photos of it & article speculating on its development n how it was no more resolved as it went on.

'they testify that the final product was no more or less resolved, realistic, or refined than the intermediacy stages; it is amusing to see the disappearance and reappearance of elements like a window and even a little dutch cap.'
Article by Thomas B Hess

THis idea of active experience rather than final form can be found through American culture in the early 50s eg improve jazz.

More on process rather than movement? 

More focused on the actual painting rather than the Action. THe action in the painting.

Process, as an object, & the action, but the action shown in the marks of paint etc.

i/f it wasnt about the actual physical paintings, theyd have thrown them away aferwards no??


Thomas B Hess

'the American Action Painter' by Rosenberg
'What was to go on the canvas was not a picture, but an event. // The painter no longer approached his easel with an image in mind; he went up to it with an image in mind; he went up to it with material in hand to do something to that other piece of material in front of him. The image would be the result of this encounter.'


Action abstract expressionsim. think its very much about the past in a way of making a mark. Art is proof you exist, . fear of death, person identity, especially in america. The focus is the painting, and the painting is the Evidence that the Event and action of making the painting happened.


Kline -- he used projectors?? like the look but in terms of method prob going more towards how de kooning made his abstract artworks.


watch some filmed flux artworks????

Choreographed happenings/dance vids n see how theyre filmed. cunningham & cage??

Read De kooning article by Thomas B Hess with pictures find. 'DE Kooning paints a picture' march 1953 art news 52 


Abstract painting - cut it up & give to people. cut it into a grid with a saw.

Make abstract paiting - lots of layer. then last layer is all one colour. (that red emulsion?) Titled 'all that once was'. 
based on thoughts about bird houses, n moving house, n people that are new to an environment have no idea what happened before they were there . like it never happened etc.

Make video of abstract painting
WIP -) tells own story
insp/ like willem de kooning woman. pg 23 of abstract book.
