Week Three of our Documentry
MONDAY THE TWENTIETH OF NOVEMBER We had another tutorial with Anne to discuss where we were in the process, she suggested that we put up flyers near the location, like at Waitrose and maybe even target the community that the Church already has. Afterwards, we went to library again to work on the paper work, and leaflets. In addition to this there were emails and phone calls to be made. We also rang mind and with no reply, went on to calling the Baptist Church about whether we could stick things on the walls and maybe advertise. This phone call was the beginning of this week's demise of our motivation. They told us that there had been a change of plans and that Mindfulness stems from Buddhism so would be against there beliefs, etc. We got our deposit back, however this meant we had to find a new location, and fast. We looked for locations on a site called http://www.farnham.gov.uk and wrote down phone numbers to the places that were affordable, not too far, and were good ...