
Showing posts from November, 2017

Week Three of our Documentry

MONDAY THE TWENTIETH OF NOVEMBER We had another tutorial with Anne to discuss where we were in the process, she suggested that we put up flyers near the location, like at Waitrose and maybe even target the community that the Church already has.  Afterwards, we went to library again to work on the paper work, and leaflets. In addition to this there were emails and phone calls to be made. We also rang mind and with no reply, went on to calling the Baptist Church about whether we could stick things on the walls and maybe advertise. This phone call was the beginning of this week's demise of our motivation. They told us that there had been a change of plans and that Mindfulness stems from Buddhism so would be against there beliefs, etc. We got our deposit back, however this meant we had to find a new location, and fast. We looked for locations on a site called and wrote down phone numbers to the places that were affordable, not too far, and were good for o

Week Two of our Documentary

TUESDAY THE FOURTEENTH OF NOVEMBER We had a meeting with Anne to give feedback as to where we were at with this project and she gave us some good feedback, raising some good points and ideas. We had originally been trying to get in contact with the Farnham Herald to get a space to advertise, however Anne recommended that we try and get them to get a journalist to do a piece on us and go about it that way, which we all agreed was a really good idea. As well as this, we brought up that we wanted to put flyers up, but at the same time didn't want too many people crowding, so Anne suggested that we put them in the baptist church to target that community and Waitrose as it is near the church. After this meeting, we decided we needed to watch more documentaries to be inspired by the way they're shot and edited to help catalyse the ideas of how we wanted to do ours and also we need to try and get a few extra helping hands - we were thinking the Mindful Society may be able to help ou

Narrowing Down to Final Portrait

I had a difficult time choosing my final portrait, as I had shot so much over the past couple of months. I was trying to choose between these four. - This image was from my second shoot in the shower, and although I didn't really like it, I decided I did like it - The dark graininess of it adds to the mood. - i also like the way the light shines from the window. - the water combined with the light - I loved the aesthetic of this piece, however I felt my shower idea had been developed a lot more; with more artist references and shoots. - The flash adds a starstruck 'look' - I love the hair and make-up - From my third and final shower shoot that I did to try out some ideas I had after the second. - It was dark outside so the light wasn't seen through the window - The white balance looks weird. - The lens is also steamed so it's not as clear as the one below - warmer tone which I dislike - I love the contras

Shower Portraits - Third Shoot 20.11.17

18mm, f/4.5, 1/10, ISO 100 18mm, f/4.5, 1/15, ISO100 I decided to do a third shoot, based on the things I thought of after the second shoot. List of what to consider if/when I reshoot: - slower shutter speed - lower ISO - medium shot, showing only half - make tripod higher so the shot is more parallel, rather than looking up - some not as far under the shower - hair pushed back instead of in front of face? - turn shower temp down so the lens of camera doesn't steam like it did in the first shoot I lowered the ISO and tried the slower shutter speed which worked pretty well, however now having the photos to compare I prefer the ones with a quicker shutter speed as you could see the drops of water more clearly.. I also expanded the idea of having the frame cut at the waist as I preferred that better to the full body ones. I also tried the hair pushed back, however didn't like that. Overall, I think this shoot was good, however the other photo from the last shoot is re

Watching Documentary Shorts

For our documentary project, I really wanted to watch more documentaries as to get inspiration for filming and editing styles, Kylan recommended a site called and i checked out some cool documentaries on there. These are the notes I made while watching: One Plastic Beach ||  ||  || - like the intro and interview with the actual creators. possibly do the same at the beginning. - inspiring. - uses photos of their work. We Live This || || || - introduction to each person is done nicely - like the use of slow motion and close ups. 7.34-7.37 shots, cut half of his body off. - contrast between the energetic, uplifting dancing in the subway and then cuts to a scene of tension. - lighting of interview at 9.05 is nice with the classical, deep music faintly in the background. - really nic

Research on Colour Psychology | 13.11.17

As a part of research for our documentary, I decided to do some research on colour psychology in the library and this is what I found out of two useful books. “The special and aerial qualities that the light blues and Cyan generate are also colours identified as being associated with a release of tensions and a spirit getting away from things that constrict and the experience of freedom and open-mindedness.” Adding a touch of red to blue can solidify it and it ‘stands up for itself’ rather than being far away and spacious. Colour Tree: The peak impact of light and colour is likely to present a zone of effects from very likely to those of real pain and shock. At Moderate Impact, the colours are more like a natural environment. Colours that have austerity and stability and not intrusive. COLOUR SYMBOLISM FROM PREHISTORY TO MODERN AESTHETICS, PSYCHOLOGY, & IT, Don Pavey, 701.85PAV Blue is seen as reliable and trustworthy. Periwinkles are the warmest and most playful as

Green Screen Editing in Premier Pro Workshop | 10.11.17

In class we did another Premier Pro workshop, which was really useful, as I learnt how to edit green screen and I liked experimenting with it. However, I would like to have experimented more and also try edit again to refresh my memory.

Week One of our Documentary

THE BEGINNING The first thing we did was make a group chat on facebook, so we could put our initial ideas over study week, which gave us a good starting point for when we had the chance to meet up and then develop ideas, rather than start from scratch. As well as this, Kylan made a google doc that we could all add to and we had different colours for each of us. We had lots of brief and base ideas, all of which were great stating points. Here are some of them: - something in the woods/farnham park - creating an art piece out of it eg. getting people to draw on a canvas or large piece of paper. maybe then display it somewhere around farnham or uni - gather people to create origami cranes (or something along those lines) - the idea of basing something on/along the lines of happiness also was in the pool, asking people what makes them happy. FRIDAY THE THIRD OF NOVEMBER All of our group went on the London trip (read my blog post about it here ), so this was a chance to r

Smashing Stress | 08.11.17

As a part of our documentary research, we decided to go to the mindfulness event that was being held that at the SU by the Well Being Society. We didn't know or expect much, however thought there would be some ideas or inspiration that we could pick up there. The set up of the space was nice, as it only used a small square of the SU. There were sofas, chairs, and bean bags arranged so you could sit how you pleased and as well as this there were smoothies you could get for £2 and tea & coffee out to get. The set up was simple, yet effective and the tapestry at the back added some colour to the space as well as creating a welcome and chill atmosphere. We really liked the smoothies and drinks idea too, it was nice to be able to have a break half way through and get a drink of tea. The talk was by a DJ from LA called Darin McFadyen who was very engaging and interesting. He gave a talk about Buddhist philosophies and our place on the Earth and questioning the connection between h

London Gallery Day | 03.11.17

The trip we had to London of exploring various galleries went really well and we (Lukas, Brodie, Cecily, Kylan, and Mindi) found them really inspiring. The Strand was the gallery that we particularly gelled with as the pieces inspired us to use them to make art of our own. 18mm, f/3.5, 1/15, ISO100 | 27mm, f/4, 1/15, ISO200 | 18mm, f/3.5, 1/15, ISO200 18mm, f/3.5, 1/15. ISO200 | 23mm, f/3.5, 1/15, ISO200 | 18mm, f/3.5, 1/15, ISO200 18mm, f/3.5, 1/15, ISO200 We really enjoyed 'Test Pattern' by Ryoji Ikeda as it was very immersive and interactive and I managed to take some cool looking photos with the stripes. 18mm, f/3.5, 1/15, ISO200 | 18mm, f/3.5, 1/40 ISO400 41mm, f/5, 1/50, ISO400 | 21mm, f/3.5, 1/50, ISO400 18mm, f/3.5, 1/50, ISO400 | 18mm, f/3.5, 1/20, ISO400 18mm, f/3.5, 1/20, ISO400 18mm, f/3.5, 1/20, ISO400 | 18mm, f/3.5, 1/6, ISO400 18mm, f/3.5, 1/6, ISO400 | 18mm, f/3.5, 1/4, ISO400 I tried to experiment with the shutter spee