
Showing posts from May, 2023


career thinkin  "is that smthn u wanna get into?" I AM INTO IT...!!!! I AM HERE! documentation.. like it think comes back round to dissociaion, like jrnling i used to do. can do with the body experiments. I wanna do something really physical? like smthn i can do to push myself either physically or mentally or both. think thats what im going to go for with the action pieces and other performance pieces im going to do. why acting interests me..... dont wanna do it as  a Career tho.. just want to exercise my mind n body that way.. think im gonna start with ballet first. Art   stuffing as many secret stuff in there. hide behind metaphors n allegories. Cards being dealt. cant choose what cards youre dealt but can choose how to play it.

Reading: Master & Margarita

 Reoccuring pontius pilate Literally finished this book on easter sunday! Matthew the levite & yeshua body in a cave.. Fave page 398 authorial presnce !!!!!!!! higher power, not rlly having any power at all..  faust.


at beginning... boring for something that covers so many Saucy?? topics... contemporary fiction thoughts... boring... lack of voice.. tells not shows... see what was trying to b done but didn't do it as well as couldve the twists are twisting... im just thinking ok  . not whipped by it. think a lot more little things could've been sewn into the unreliable narration. .. v art school.. not in a good way .. those flop ppl that think they're doing smthn lol

sludge content , performance art, hypnosis

Image soap cutting videos etc SLudge content.. no resolve, not getting anything out of it.. leaving spectator unfulfilled. Hypnosis??? bc was thniking about performance art and giving An Audience a Visceral experience.. n i also like the idea of spirituality n hypnosis is interesting... maybe a perofmrnace piece with a camera n projector of cutting soap or something?? so Live SLudge  and then something else going on to the side?? like a play or something? something really boring?? brecht, social commentary on shit art , master n margarita.. or clip compilation of the world ending?? beauty in a way? idfk COuld call it Watching the World End? maybe do a few different ones or split into dif ideas bc theres quite a bit there... Sludge event?? Where u pick names out of a hat, and multiple acts go at once.

steven berkoff, theatre dada, theatre dribble thoughts

Image gielgud trevor howard edmund kean thinking about acting stuff,, intereted in it in a performance art, pushing boundaries? kinda way like art pushing physical and mentally, rimbaud thing of overwhelming the senses to give oneself a large almost spiritual experience. one that can change u profoundly and tear up and realign how you think and see urself would like to combine physical theatre n performance n music one day..? dada emerged in switzerland at the tail end of WW1 if logic can lead to war, then art should abandon logic and focus on non-sense, intuition, and anarchy rlly need to read artaud's book again Acting and Characterisation – fragmentary characters (not fully rounded, incomplete) – unmotivated characters – sometimes a dissociation between actor and character** – use of clichéd dialogue* – car

History painting i 6:21  "helping them to reveal themselves to you, not just by observing them, but by also considering their context & their intended function" Liked that quote bc thinking a lot about context & function lately in terms of my essay. - Subject matter - Narrative subjects Across 4 centuries painting in its highest form was used to tell stories Like writing an opera, play. HISTORY PAINTING - a species of narrative painting - defined during renaissance - had the highest purpose and value at the time. LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI - established history painting as a concept - his treatus 'De Pictura' (1435) on painting. A how-to book for artists. explained perspective and other tools of the trade and also a rule book on correct ways to do things - He wrote that was he called 'Histora' are pictures based on texts - Greek, Roman, & Christian Tapestry, relief sculpture More than

all the beauty and the bloodshed (2022) photog slide shows.. one with phone call over top. need 2 watch four dromedies thing!!!   nice structure between the past with photos and archived footage and an interview laid over the top and modern day with the fight against oxy company. didnt realise how little i knew about nan goldin which is kinda embarrasin art degree who

tarot dialogue/research

Witch scene shakespeare, play by beckett Look at tarot cards n pick three? metamophosis berkoff. its almost 6 o clock wheres gregor, perhaps his alarm clocks not gone off, did u set it, set it, yes, i set it for four o clock, four o clock. Witches.. macbeth Come and Go, Samuel Beckett When together they make uneasy, highly stylized/processed small talk in an encounter that takes on a haunting ritual aspect The joining of the hands evokes the symbol for infinity. "The ritual gesture of clasped hands allows them to keep their secrets from each other, but the feeling of the rings evokes the cycle of time. Twice turned upon itself, the bond of the three women (forever linked in their untold secrets) is never again what it was, never again what it seems to be. Something is the same, and everything is different."[16] "Superficially they make us think of the Three Graces as they link hands, but, more precisely, they resemble in appearan

tarot costume

 Balaclavas Attach to top? n gloves..? Could be crocheting own outfit? links with thread/fates theme.. face paint - gods n angels gold or red or white (makeup blog post) have facepaint line up w balaclava..? two braids of wool that looks like hair off bottom of balaclava... like the flat panels court jester hat/balaclava attached, drapes over shoulders. have loose ends hanging out of balaclava look at outfits on tarot cards outfits of witches, outfit of three sisters in beckett play, outfits of fates in paintings