tarot dialogue/research

Witch scene shakespeare, play by beckett

Look at tarot cards n pick three?

metamophosis berkoff. its almost 6 o clock wheres gregor, perhaps his alarm clocks not gone off, did u set it, set it, yes, i set it for four o clock, four o clock.

Witches.. macbeth

Come and Go, Samuel Beckett


When together they make uneasy, highly stylized/processed small talk in an encounter that takes on a haunting ritual aspect

The joining of the hands evokes the symbol for infinity. "The ritual gesture of clasped hands allows them to keep their secrets from each other, but the feeling of the rings evokes the cycle of time. Twice turned upon itself, the bond of the three women (forever linked in their untold secrets) is never again what it was, never again what it seems to be. Something is the same, and everything is different."[16] "Superficially they make us think of the Three Graces as they link hands, but, more precisely, they resemble in appearance the three mothers in Fritz Lang's M, a film much loved by Beckett

On Tarot Table - Rings/Circles. Photo of beckett hand gestures printed out?



Ancient greek religion n mythology, personification of destiny.
Three sisters: clotho (the spinner), Lachesis (the allotter), Atropos (the unturnable, a metaphor for death)

Clotho spins the thread of human life the other two draw out/measure (lachesis) and cuts (Atropos).

English known as the Fates
Roman equivalent was the Parcae

Role of the moirai was to ensure that every being, mortal and divine, lived out their destiny, as it was assigned to them by the laws of the universe.

Tarot Table: laws of the universe book... blue hardback.

But according to a Latin verse,[55] their roles and functions were somewhat different: "Clotho, the youngest of the sisters, presided over the moment in which we are born, and held a distaff in her hand; Lachesis spun out all the events and actions of our life; and Atropos, the eldest of the three, cut the thread of human life with a pair of scissors.


In roman mythology they were the female personifications of destiny who directed the lives and deaths of humans and gods.
Didn't control the persons actions just when they are born, die and how much they suffer.

Names: Nora (Clotho), Decima (Lachesis), Morta (Atropos)

Nona was supposed to determine a person's lifespan on the dies lustricus, that is, the day on which the name of the child was chosen, which occurred on the ninth day from birth for a male and the eighth for a female.



Witches macbeth.. use for reading montage?


The witches’ beards, bizarre potions, and rhymed speech make them seem slightly ridiculous, like caricatures of the supernatural. Shakespeare has them speak in rhyming couplets throughout (their most famous line is probably “Double, double, toil and trouble, / Fire burn and cauldron bubble” in 4.1.10–11), which separates them from the other characters, who mostly speak in blank verse. 

metamophosis berkoff

its almost 6 o clock wheres gregor, perhaps his alarm clocks not gone off, did u set it, set it, yes, i set it for four o clock, four o clock.

metamorphosis 3:41

5:16 - by using mechanistic robotic theatre bc by changin the rhythm of what we see in naturalism we make people re look at people.

mdeitations on metamorphosis:

trying 2 find/concentrate on the use of dialogue?

beckett 'play'


i know now all that was just play

think going for more mechanical dialogue of metamorphosiss??


Come and go
look at opening dialogue.. of highly processed/stylised small talk

M by fritz lang

Four dromedies
