
Showing posts from February, 2023

docs n vids

wandelweiser n antoine beuger  pat richter - ballet pianist for merce cunningham - interview cunningham & cage Tones Drones and Arpeggios The Magic of Minimalism pt1 && 2 - music for 18 musicians - einstein on the beach philip glass

symphonies n tchaikovsky wiki The fruit of Liszt's labors was what he eventually termed symphonic poems. In them, he used two alternatives to sonata form. Beethoven had used the first of these, cyclic form , to link separate movements thematically with one another. Liszt took this process one step further by combining themes into a single-movement cyclic structure.[58] The second alternative, thematic transformation, originated with Haydn and Mozart.[59] This process worked in a similar manner as variation but instead of a theme being changed into a related or subsidiary version of the main one, it becomes transformed into a related but separate, independent theme Keller offers the second theme in the first movement of the Fourth Symphony as an example of how this process works. In sonata form, he writes, the first subject enters in the tonic and the second subject follows in a contrasting but related key harmonically. Tension occurs when

musique concrete

 decided to relook at this shit again musique conrete s a type of music composition that utilizes recorded sounds as raw material. Pierre schaeffer symphony of noises  16min  6min

antiaction vid play along screen record

Image tried Eminor into G major ???? idfk

the sick doll tchaikovsky

Image The sick doll. - key Gminor. Lento (slow) Binary form - 2 parts, A & B  sections marked by double bar lines G / A / Bb / C / D / Eb / F i / ii  / III / iv / V / VI / VII 4 bar pattern Starts G minor,  V7 back into i same chords, but varies the bottom/bass note of each chord. downwards progression is common is sad music. diminished chords have dreadful sound

score tests..

 musescore4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 00:00 untitled score 00:20 idfk 00:49 playaroundtest flutes etc 01:10 waltz attempt play 01:55 ballet1 02:10 chordz 03:25 balletwaltzy 04:07 antiaction piece a minor 07:32 droneytest little thoughts............. the begnning few r just tryin to get used to the programeememem. like chordz, floaty.. balletwaltzy kinda like but more movie soundtrack vibe... too grandiose? ??? like anti action one, but think gonna stray from staccatos ....... tried to stick mostly to one note/chord tho which is inch er esting... droneytest -- tried making a fugue vibe kinda thing where it repeated an eighth note after each other,, not vibe goin for for the final thing tho.. like the effect of pulising rumbly deep dark notes. has droney effect but the range add sum texture,, its giving Fractal Noise

composers like eliane radigue?

Image Wandelweiser explained what it is vid: group of musicians consists largely of silence BITS TAKEN FROM EXPLAIN VID: Andre O Moller . in memory of James Tenney V droney, low strings Antoine Beuger . 24 petits preludes pour la guitare lots of silence, slow pace, more silence than sounds A comment on the video talked about Kory Reeder too Available Light for Violin (2020) Adjacent Spaces for Piano Trio Jakob Ullmann the book Experimental Music Since 1970 by Jennie Gottschalk the Theatre of Et

more freaky lil guys // classical

Image Williams Mix - John Cage 1952 sampling, channel surfing barbara hannigan choirrr

modernism in music - 20thc classical

Image rejects tonality, no key rejects rhymic meters, or alternates time signatures shoenberg buy stravinsky Polymeter - different instruments playing different meters. eg piano in 4/4 n violin in 5/4 Mahler 8th symphony. symphony of a thousand. wrote long symphonies 4th movement of 5th symphony. - float y neoclassicism stavinsky, poulec, satie Poulenc - concert champetre call back to baroque , harpsichord is featured instrument mixing old with the new.

eliane radigue acoustic

 found shes done some acoustic works want to create drone-y effect with orchestral instruments so i decided to relook at some of her stuff as I know her electronic stuff

Impressionism in music / history/techniques

Image moods rather than distinct parts n melodies. wanted pieces to evoke feeling vague, blurred and impactful music instruments played in new ways flutes n clarinets - darker n lower muted horns rather than usual harshness Unusual chord combos... maj th, 9th 11ths 13ths etc BEefed up unresolved cadences were common too. floating, key-less dreamland Atonality.  Lack of tonal centre, not in a certain key Using different scales..  ancient medieval style modes, harmonies of 4ths n 5ths. whole tone scale pentatonic scale Rhythm lots lacks steady defined rhythm. more free form n fluid impressionst period 1872-1926 Romantic - fixated on telling story. explored deep intense emotions 1st person narrative, character is The POV Impressionism was more 3rd person, observer. outside perspectie. could consider motto of inpressionist music to be: "suggest and evoke but do not describe" Composers: debussy maurice ravel Joaquin Turina Erik Satie DEBUSSYY

Music for silent films // incidental

 Maya Deren - Eye of the Night silent film, but vid here w some music someone has put on is gud. glow-y angelic kinda thing Ballet Mechanique In 1924 George Antheil wrote Ballet Mécanique, which was actually for a film of moving objects, not for dancers dada post cubist art film music & score  film -- videos on music for silent films pianists would have volumes of mood music book is called motion picture moods by erno rapee found here: - incidental music books

ballet/classical sound research 4 action piece

"There was a violent change in mood when Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Rite of Spring was first performed in 1913, at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris. The music was modernist and dissonant, and the movements were highly stylized. In 1924 George Antheil wrote Ballet Mécanique, which was actually for a film of moving objects, not for dancers , but it was pioneering in the use of jazz music. " Symphonies.. looking into. TITLE: Vid: dance of thr antiaction painter??,for%20classical%20and%20romantic%20ballets

Orchestra Tuning

Thinking its similar to drone-y stuff…. Maybe could compose smthn with very drone-y beginning with string instruments n then some sort of more musical dancey thing overlaying. Varèse - Tuning Up


Image born 1840 russian romantic era composer slay

freaky lil guyss // classical music

Image Sofia Gubaidulina - De profundis (1978) Alberto Ginastera Messiaen - Dieu parmi nous (Organ @ Rouen,France) Les corps glorieux: IV. Combat de la mort et de la vie Olivier Latry at the organ at the Cathedral of Notre Dame Louis Vierne - Third Symphony: 5. Final Ton Koopman plays Bach (1/8) BWV 542, 578, 588, 544 A. Guilmant, Finale from Sonata Op.42 nº1 Chopin Etude Op 10 No.12 Chopin Etude Op 25 N

swan lake research

The Secret meanings of Swan Lake - a short documentary The acts are broken up into the ethereal plane and the material plane - The colourful first act represents earthly plane, mixture of ppl n characters, setting up of story - act 2. change of mood opens up on lake and opens in monochrome. degree of detachment. stepping into world of fantasy Vairagya - yoga term meaning disinterestedness or detachment. to live ones life without getting caught up in ones thoughts or actions. literal translation is 'without colour' ACT 3 - back to earthly existence, back in the material plane again.  ACT 4 - return to monochrome of the lake. release self from her enchantment. the spell is BROKEN , she jumps into the lake.  act 1 - material plane act 2 - ethereal plane , white act act 3 - material plane - back in the court Act 4 - ethereal plane - back at the lake What is the meaning of the lake?? water, energy in motion. bodies of water made of tears a

Gregorian chant lecture

Image Medieval Music. Definition: the monophonic one line music of the roman catholic church. began shortly after the death of christ up til 1600s. Takes name from pope gregory the 1st/ gregory the great. the chants had nothing to do with gregory, a historical accident that hes associated with the chants. purpose of gregorian chant - communicated message of the church.  chant was used for direct reading , syllabic chant. in syllabic chant each syllable has one note. narrow musical range. simple for readings chants for reflection upon reading. reflected chant, contemplation. Melismatic - one in which there are many notes for one syllable of text. a lot broader range. For reflection n for moments of personal feeling.. vehicle for spiritual contemplation 28:48, 29:30 like song, esp bit starts at 29:40 Graduale: Viderunt omnes. Daller Consort, Collegium Aureum & Alfred Deller    

deld - montage untitled tests

 Lino: Charcoal: Track 2 listen n watch:  Vids: Could edit/crop them so its closer/more textured n less details ....?

classical theory research; basics, key modulation, symphony composition

Image Modal music became Tonal music.  Modal - Palestrina (1525-94) System hadnt fully developoed yet.. By 120 yrs later we get 2 Js Back, 1685-1750. Back brought tonal system to full fruition.  KEYSSSSSS Major vs Minor. Early composers believed different keys had their own characters. Beethoven thought: Bminor - Black key Ab minor - barborous Eb major - Heroic So much of his music is written to reflect these characteristics. Todays pianos are evened out so we have less key characters. in C major C is home chord. And what we base our perspective off. See all the other keys from our home perspective. Dominant 7th chord provides certainty that we're approaching clear cadance/arriving home/at the tonic. Most pieces end in the key that they began in. KEY RELATIONSS<3  I - tonic ii - supertonic iii - mediant IV - subdomiant V - dominant vi - submediant Whatever key ur in, you can easily modulate to 5 other keys. call this direct relationships.

steve reich vids


minimalism classical music

Image talks a bit about philip glass

action painting tryptich photos

1. 2. 3.

Postsurgery painting evals

 PAITNIG 1.SESSION 1 Can see some sort of chest the more i look at it. Red wound. chest line/scar line.  dripping paint - having intrusive thoughts of ripped open flesh. PAITNINGG1 SESSION2. really tempted to just refine what i did before, but when thinking about it i thought it would be good to try develop how different i feel from when i did the first session, Especially as I was looking at it, It felt like it looked like a chest. Add more curved lines as have more fluidity to my movements, but at the same time still stiff with the compression vest. Think its really important to kill my darlings with this project which is gonna be tough. 03.01. ended up doing this yesterday, idk if i like it or not, but i felt that way about the first one too. I added a bit more to it today but think im gonna leave it for a couple of days. hopefully it will grow on me, as I dont wanna relly do too many sessions. PAINTING 1 SESSION3. gonna do after jan 20th  Did this 10th feb.. found it really easy su

room space head

 Sound piece, house-y ? noise-y, loop-y? called ‘room, space, head’ insp by whn i was looking at old blog posts n saw on this one Made sound piece , made a lil webcam vid 2 go with it too...

Bound stone painting - final & eval kinda

 26.nov: Eval on theme: didnt realise it but kinda has deeeeeeeeeeper meanings/.. Stone, biniding. Been thinking a lot how binding has stunted me and ive long since outgrown it,. not having full mobility of my body, my mind tying things off, eetc Like that it ties into the same proejct as the photos/video i made and it kinda all progressed together and grew from each other. 13 feb took pics of final painting today. finished it on thursday 9th. Had 2 stop myself bc i feel like i could go on working on it forever trying to touch bits up . Might trim the edges at some point idk.