Gregorian chant lecture

Medieval Music.
Definition: the monophonic one line music of the roman catholic church.

began shortly after the death of christ up til 1600s.
Takes name from pope gregory the 1st/ gregory the great. the chants had nothing to do with gregory, a historical accident that hes associated with the chants.

purpose of gregorian chant - communicated message of the church. 

chant was used for direct reading , syllabic chant. in syllabic chant each syllable has one note. narrow musical range. simple for readings

chants for reflection upon reading. reflected chant, contemplation.
Melismatic - one in which there are many notes for one syllable of text. a lot broader range. For reflection n for moments of personal feeling.. vehicle for spiritual contemplation

29:30 like song, esp bit starts at 29:40

Graduale: Viderunt omnes. Daller Consort, Collegium Aureum & Alfred Deller


