classical theory research; basics, key modulation, symphony composition

Modal music became Tonal music. 
Modal - Palestrina (1525-94) System hadnt fully developoed yet..
By 120 yrs later we get 2 Js Back, 1685-1750. Back brought tonal system to full fruition. 

Major vs Minor.

Early composers believed different keys had their own characters.
Beethoven thought:
Bminor - Black key
Ab minor - barborous
Eb major - Heroic
So much of his music is written to reflect these characteristics.

Todays pianos are evened out so we have less key characters.

in C major C is home chord. And what we base our perspective off. See all the other keys from our home perspective.

Dominant 7th chord provides certainty that we're approaching clear cadance/arriving home/at the tonic.

Most pieces end in the key that they began in.


I - tonic
ii - supertonic
iii - mediant
IV - subdomiant
V - dominant
vi - submediant

Whatever key ur in, you can easily modulate to 5 other keys. call this direct relationships. Comes from the fact that the triad chord tonic also features in other keys.

Cmajor chord is in:
C major, I
G major, IV
A minor, III

