
Showing posts from January, 2021

an art crisis? oh no not ANoThEr OnE

Suprise Suprise, Avery is going through another little art crisis. idk what im doing, if im even doing anything at all, and whether its even any good.  I really want to keep working on an finishing delicate dramas but i just dont have the space - mentally and physically to do it, and its really bugging me  Life really gets in the way of making stuff and over the past week or 2 ive been quite struggling. By struggling i mean my body and mind is exhausted and i need to spend a bit of time building my energy back up, but im moving (AGAIN!!!!: ) at the beginning of MArch and im going to be living on my own, so i am really hoping to be able to have a functional living space and turn my living room into a studio space rather than my entire room being a whirlpool of semi finished paintings, art supplies, and things like socks and trousers thrown about.  I feel i really need to cook myself something nice and do some baking so also when i move i can do that as i think that will be really healin

big cartel !?

Image ended up editing sum images for profile pic and used the pics i took @ abandoned building n got a bit carried away and made loads of versions Original img:


 ok so i recently found out about notion n just can tell its gonna help me create a lot more sufficiently!!  its an app/website where u can plan n organise stuff but u can personalise it so much and make it look so cute n i need to share it somewhere bc i love mine :) there are the videos i watched on it to help me figure out how to use it and also give me ideas on the best ways to lay stuff out. also can have the app on multiple devices n it all syncs up so its v handy. have all my projects am focusing on specific things n trying not to overwhelm myself. hopefully by the end of the month ill have made progress on the thing i want to as i am now able to actually know the steps i wanna take with things lol. im trying to read and paint more consistently and work on deldramas to get it finished b4 my adobe student runs out and ive been making clay rings so i wanna set up a shop to sell some .

thought dump

5thJan  thinking wouldnt be mad if i became a lecturer or smthn at some point. but gotta have more education n idk if i want to pay all that money for basic education i do miss being a student but idk what course i would do as i want to do a lot of things: literature? painting? philosophy? 3rdJan  no really someone tell me what lol. even tho i wote my diss on it its still all up in the air n i havent yet managed to get ahold of it n feel not so unhinged about it. thts why wana use this blog more again, bc i think it will give photos n shit a sense of being finished. like mini series n to 'publish' it somewhere gives u a sens eof reward n acomplishment gratification 30thDEC  thinkin bout the validity of art and tryna come up with ways to make myself feel more acomplished when doin smthnnn. bc art is an ongoing thing its difficult to get the gratification u get from other stuff. gonna use this to dump on but also my values n priorities is art but 1. what even is that and 2. to do

NYE scrawlings (my latest revelation)

 On new years eve, i suddenly began writing and i couldnt really stop was very fun. these r the pages . other notings: making art includes other ppl.!!! :/all my ppl r spread about n its difficult to find those Special ones u knooo. i said in other post how i like taking documentational photog n thats hard when theres nothing happenin also music wanna do more collaborative shit n make a band maybe bc i think that would help develop guitar playin n general understanding of song structures. 'jamming' h8 that word but u kno what i mean.

digital drawings in phone notes oof

When I first moved to Manchester in October, I didnt have internet and rather than scrolling online before bed and using all my data, i ended up drawing in the notes app of my phone and surprisingly some came out pretty good/legit. These are some of the best ones i think, and for a while i thought i would turn them into 'proper' pieces and paint them, but i think they stand well on their own. the last one is my fave i think