
Showing posts from December, 2019

Present Laughter Review

The other week I went to see the play 'Present Laughter' so i thought to write about it on my blog, even though no one reads these things, I thought i could re refer to it in the future. I also saw it a second time last monday, because i wanted to see it again and it was only shown for a few dates. During the summer, I found myself in a research pit of Rimbaud and Flappers and the Naughty Nineties and Noel Coward...... I then found out that one of Coward's plays 'Present Laughter' was going to be showing in the cinema so I made note of it. ALSO Andrew Scott was in it, so even more of a reason to go. The play is funny and flamboyant, while at the same time quite sad and has a tone of loneliness. The melancholic themes are hinted at in the first act and build up until the ending, which silences the audiences laughter with some, quite brutal, real shit. There was a lot about acting and performing which i liked. The costumes were to die for, and the it was

TAROT | card list idea/narrative development

the fool - I have always thought of this card to be jumping out a window? idk why but i like that better. might link it to a dream that i had where there were robbers outside and contemplation. However i also like the cliff idea as i was writing a poem piece inspired by something I read in the book 'The Myth of Sisyphus' by Albert Camus where its about taking chances and falling into a river.  vagabond, bohemianism, circle or life, bob dylan song baby blue. very blue with the sky. the robbers? the angel the garden the gate keeper oak tree TV jewels 3 houses of swords, wands, etc....... class system... soul.......? 'Plato considered the psyche to be the essence of a person' 'Plato said that even after death, the soul exists and is able to think.' 'Aristotle believed that only one part of the soul was immortal namely the intellect (logos)' 'The Platonic soul consists of three parts:

TAROT | poaroid/photography research

Image Patti Smith Polaroid book I got from the library had these in which I liked. Thought it would be an interesting perspective to have shots like these, rather than highly posed cards all of the time. NAN GOLDIN

TAROT | research pt.1

want to do it based on the Major Arcana set The Fool The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, The World, maybe take some out/add own and create own story to it??? link to spirituality/nature....maybe find a 'spell' to do and film it??? PLAN - researching on wikipedia as thats the best source and cant find any books. going to put it all here and then print or write it out to annotate and develop further. THE FOOLS JOURNEY The Fool's Journey is a metaphor for the journey through life. Each major arcana card stands for a stage on that journey - an experience that a person must incorporate to realize his wholeness. We begin with the Fool (0), a card of beginnings.  The Fool stands for each of us as we begin our journey of


nan goldin, picnic on the esplanade photo, like the image of people who sit by the river. nan goldin interview This Consciousness that is aware by Emily Dickinson Walt Whitman - To Think of Time Matthew Arnold - The Buried Life O Me! O Life! by Walt Whitman ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look into the silver screen, Tell me, do they love you? Carried away by the (silver?) stream The stars - the will direct you. To be somebody its a pain that they see me oh - do be perceived oh - oh daring to be. If the ship keeps sailing how much can it change and still be the same? rebuilt and replaced with the same exact face. To be reborn left you tired and sore left asking what's this for? river, lake, drowns in his self image soul is the driver of the ship picnic by the river photo by nan goldin step into river, water up to knees,


My friend/roommate, Desiree, wanted help with a film she's working on about identity and asked me to help out and make a poem for it. While originally thinking of videos with poems/narratives these are what came to mind: I liked the intonation in this piece and looked at the lyrics. Been looking more a metre and the syllables in poems and this piece uses mostly 7 syllables per line. Interesting how syllables have an important role in the rhythm of pieces. And I liked the tone in these two videos: We got together and discussed the ideas and imagery and inspirations she had and i also added my input and suggestion on what she could also use as sources. As we went through them, there was a constant re-occurance of water as a theme and so I thought this would be a good standing off point as I showed Desiree The Ship of Theseus and also Heraclitus’s Panta Rhei theory. I wanted to allude to Greek Gods as she was currently looking at that subject for her dissertation and al

SOUND PIECE | presenting the work and layout

I have realised, like with my other project that was in the gallery that this has a different theme channeled through it than i thought it did. with the other project it was control and now i think this piece is more about distance. This term has been all over the place for me, with finding things difficult and i dont know where i have been, and my 'messy process' hasn't been helpful. I found it difficult to do things separately by recording and editing, etc as editing effects on digitally isn't the same as analogue as with analogue you can turn effects on and off and find different things and idk how theyll sound together before editing which i quite difficult. I think i felt as though i was wrestling with a lot of it and things felt just out of reach. Think i just want to learn more, confined to this process and the same sounds on protools. TRYING TO CREATE AN EXPERIENCE.. LOOMING, SADNESS, DISTANCE, LONELINESS?, 1. UNTITLED     made up of guitar feedback laye

SOUND PIECE | metal machine music & feedback research

Image 'If Metal Machine is anything, it's energy and physicality, and you should be able to physically feel it, and it takes a lot of energy to perform it' 'It defies transcription.' 'There's a lot of ways [to listen], if you're gonna listen to it [at all]. But if you can't listen to it like that, like the way you just said, then it's just a mishmash of noise. But if you go in, and you scope it, and put your attention here, there, wherever you think the fun is, then it has shape.' 'Pitchfork: It requires a certain energy from the audience, too. Reed: Well, the thing is coming at you. But, you know, it's friendly.' '"Fire Music" just kills me. We mastered it...if you ever get to hear it on a big system, cause it's only two or three minutes long, but that thing, about two-thirds of the way through, rises up and advances out of the speakers, and I swear to you

SOUND PIECE ON MEMORY | explanation and sources

I originally thought of this idea while listening to Metal Machine Music. I was lying in bed and towards the end of the second piece i suddenly felt quite 'nostalgic', is maybe the best way to put it, however it wasn't about anything in particular in terms of a specific memory of mine. I then had the vague idea that I wanted to do a sound piece that evokes this sort of feeling that's kind of sad based off dissociation and forgetting time. I have always been intrigued by this album and have sat and listened to it in bed a few times. At first the noise can be quite abrasive, however I personally find it can be quite soothing as it goes on and becomes one drifting motion. Also the most annoying/more intriguing part about it is there isn't a lot written about it as critics at the time took it as a joke, however it is an experimental piece heavily influenced by the avant garde drones of La Monte Young and The Theatre of Eternal Music. I also read somewhere that Lou Re