TAROT | card list idea/narrative development

the fool -
I have always thought of this card to be jumping out a window? idk why but i like that better. might link it to a dream that i had where there were robbers outside and contemplation. However i also like the cliff idea as i was writing a poem piece inspired by something I read in the book 'The Myth of Sisyphus' by Albert Camus where its about taking chances and falling into a river.  vagabond, bohemianism, circle or life, bob dylan song baby blue. very blue with the sky.

the robbers?
the angel
the garden
the gate keeper
oak tree

3 houses of swords, wands, etc....... class system... soul.......?
'Plato considered the psyche to be the essence of a person'
'Plato said that even after death, the soul exists and is able to think.'
'Aristotle believed that only one part of the soul was immortal namely the intellect (logos)'
'The Platonic soul consists of three parts:
the logos, or logistikon (mind, nous, or reason)
the thymos, or thumetikon (emotion, spiritedness, or masculine)
the eros, or epithumetikon (appetite, desire, or feminine)

The parts are located in different regions of the body:
logos is located in the head, is related to reason and regulates the other part.
thymos is located near the chest region and is related to anger.
eros is located in the stomach and is related to one's desires'

'Plato also compares the three parts of the soul or psyche to a societal caste system. According to Plato's theory, the three-part soul is essentially the same thing as a state's class system because, to function well, each part must contribute so that the whole functions well. Logos keeps the other functions of the soul regulated.'

class system, age groups,
