
Showing posts from April, 2020

the sirens that came to party | identity proj

finished project i helped/worked on with my roommate. i wrote the poem (except the spanish), helped with the visuals and on set and also did some of the sound.

deldramas | developing royal road vid

was learning coyote by joni mitchell on guitar which is in a different tuning (C, G, D, F, C, E) n its really cool. Was gonna wait til i recorded some feedback with that tuning to see if i sounded any different to play around with stuff for the other pieces, but i was just playing around bc i was bored and got some really cool stuff. Tried to understand the tuning and what i was playing which took a while and  was probably doing it the longest way, but it was helpful. came up with a stumming thing for one of the spoken folk-y ideas and also some stuff for the guitar based piece. Looked at the notes n stuff i was playing and put them into the site so i could figure out what keys i was playing in/could play in. i wanted the guitar based piece to be quite theory dense and quite planned out, but the stuff ive done sounds good so far and ive figured i want to play in A# minor i think, might change into a different mode, but thinking i might try a different mode in the folkie


finally came up with this title when i read it in a book (think it was susan sontag cant remember) did this inspired by notes i drew at work also tried adding the oil paint effect in photoshop and then also the wind effect i tried in a previous blog post. Also, did these based off this note i did at work a while ago: used the colour select tool to select the dark parts and it gave it this printed effect then tried going over the drawing in a new layer to create a clean version then had the idea to try different blend modes so i did that with the colour ones: this is the 'hue' one and then added the fine one on top to define it more. this is with the 'dissolve' mode. no idea what i actually want to do with these as i have visual ideas for a few of the tracks but whatever.


decided it might be worth trying a different method of working/arranging and to help me sort the structure out i decided to make a diagram on the side of my wardrobe. Even if it doesnt end up helping at least im doing something tbh. since i have an array of papers as well as a pwr point that at first was helpful, but has just become one big dump now, i think this might help. Also I think i have the structure p much sorted and visualised as of right now as ive been thinking it thru in my head the past few days and think i know what kind of styles n things i want where. stuck headings of each track that im intending to do since i have a rough layout now and can move things as necessary. Then I wrote out all the visual ideas i had on a scrap piece of paper on a clean piece and ordered it so i can see it all better and see what i have to shoot/paint/edit. I then stuck on the piece that i wrote all the sound ideas on. Also added the old visual plan i did a while

flower fairies

looking at the poses and the flowers also borders might b useful for tarot project

deldramas | garden photos

for one of the images i want a heavenly looking thing was originally going to do a painting n then when i got into taking film photos i thought i could take a photo instead and then since quarantine n i wont be able to develop it, ive moved to doing it digitally. I originally thought to make a set in my room, but then since the quarantine n everything is shut there are occupied gardens from the hotel thats now shut due to the pandemic at the back of our house so i thought i could take them there. i dont quite know how i want the photos to be set up so i decided to take some test photos to put the layout/frame into perspective. still debating as to whether i should be sat on a chair in them or just have nature and no person? but i can decide that as i review the photos more. Also i want it to look quite heavenly so i tried out some overexposure n varied shutter speeds. tbh it would b useful if i could print them out n draw on them but i dont have a printer, so i might try do it dig