decided it might be worth trying a different method of working/arranging and to help me sort the structure out i decided to make a diagram on the side of my wardrobe. Even if it doesnt end up helping at least im doing something tbh.
since i have an array of papers as well as a pwr point that at first was helpful, but has just become one big dump now, i think this might help. Also I think i have the structure p much sorted and visualised as of right now as ive been thinking it thru in my head the past few days and think i know what kind of styles n things i want where.

stuck headings of each track that im intending to do since i have a rough layout now and can move things as necessary.

Then I wrote out all the visual ideas i had on a scrap piece of paper on a clean piece and ordered it so i can see it all better and see what i have to shoot/paint/edit.

I then stuck on the piece that i wrote all the sound ideas on.

Also added the old visual plan i did a while ago as its a good reference for the layout and can use that to progress off of since i have more tracks now and am questioning how many images i actually want, because i do like the structure of 4 images and if i had one for each track now i think that would be too many, however I was also thinking 3 would also be nice and have a triptych vibe.
