
Showing posts from May, 2019

FIELDS & FRAMES | evaluation

Overall, I am happy with the outcome. I think the sound works well and for a lot of the time I was doubting that it would work out at all as it was very all over the place, especially during editing. However, as it came together at the end I was pretty happy with it. It was a long ass process and it's annoying when editing and you can't see the end point and you're just kind of like ' i do not know what is Going On'. At one point I wasn't sure on the narration, and then the ending, then this bit, then that, but I am, currently, feeling Accomplished. (lets see how long that lasts). I think it sounds a lot better with headphones. For presenting it to an audience, I think i would have them listen to it with headphones as that really allows you to hear certain parts, but listening aloud in an empty room or car is also a vibe i was going for. I think the main thing i wanted was for it to be able to be consumed ordinarily, like how i find art just sat in my room and s


At the beginning I had a lot of influence ideas: MGMT Big Science 1975 how to draw/petrichor: the way it builds up w/ the distortion-y type thing was something i liked and ended up doing something like it in my piece. VOICE OVER VELVET GOLDMINE voice also music c,b,a,g??? at 3:30 the whispery type thing. this pink floyd song i came across and liked the structure and the chords sounded great so I wrote them down to possibly use and steal them (like a Real Artist!). O Superman and the atmosphere it generates. A main inspiration: 07/04/19 listening to albums/sounds/music Got recommended this on youtube and loved it yee haw: i wouldnt say they all influenced this project however i think theyre interesting and document them here in case i need to reference them in the future. Also these two tracks from my notes at the bottom of this post:  Did some tests on protools. went ok, however this was before I found the atmospheric albums and i wasn'

FIELDS & FRAMES | painting

thought of this when doing VFX I came up with the idea of having a moving painting while researching for VFX as I thought of looking into making paintings move and thought I could do that with this idea. I was already thinking of layers within a painting as I noticed how when you stare intensely at a Pollock painting, you begin to see layers and it looks 3D almost and this is the look i kind of wanted where it also looks like its kind of swimming. I decided I would take photos of each layer while painting and use photoshop to stitch it all together after learning how to do that in one of the photography workshops. I had already started a painting before this idea, around consciousness and the internet and where is the internet? and 'where do we go when we're on the internet?' Began with a pink/white 'swirl'. this is what i thought of when i thought of consciousness.  I think it resembles a brain pattern in a way. Merged the photos in photoshop: Then cro