
Showing posts from December, 2018

MAPS & NETWORKS 5: final film/installation & reflection

Headphones under TV, remote next to it. The remote resembles control and gives the audience the choice of which part to see. Also I made the flux part quite long to imitate the idea of TV as background noise, which I read about when reading Andy Warhols A to B book pentimento over top part of 'map' to show uncovered/unknown. Xs show destinations on maps and door shows as previously discussed. the layout was the main thing from the beginning as I wanted to create something like the drawings I was doing with the marker pen, which also suggests the idea of permanence,  something that spreads out across the wall and then the film came along to accompany this. While making the film/video I felt quite bizarre about it, kind of off, but when I remembered the installation visual it makes a ton more sense. Also I think it resembles the portrait series project we do last year with the idea of having a map/display across the wall. As well as this I think a room was significant t

MAPS & NETWORKS 4: creation process (no pun intended)

Again i wrote the layout out again as my previous ones got messy and things changed. KRAUTROCK MUSIC I wrote the Motorik beat on a piece of paper so I could try edit it using protools as I didnt have access to the drum kit and I tried editing it using the recordings of drums from a previous project however it didnt sound right. I also added notes around this as I thought of additions/base ideas and decided to record in the key of D. A lot of the music parts of this project were very open in terms of outcome as I often recorded things on the spot and experimented with different instrument effects. I started by creating the motorik beat. It took me quite a while as there were still things i was figuring out about protools and also I had to look up what pitch the different drums were. I found making this quite difficult and it became a process of tweaking things and having to go back onto protools to adjust and add things. I mainly wanted to record the MIDI on protools and th

MAPS & NETWORKS 3: idea development/research/writing

IDEA DEVELOPMENT/RESEARCH/WRITING I wrote out a plan to help me know what I need to do and where I can go with sections. I began by researching the idiot as I was looking into beginning to write the conversation The Idiot research. I knew that I wanted to take into account fitting 'meanings' in conversations and have the characters discuss something, however for my film I wanted it to be quite meta fictional and detached with not too natural dialogue. i wrote notes on ideas and things i wanted to mention in a word doc and then when I wanted to begin writing. I was thinking of things I could include and sources that could help me figure how to process the pacing of it all. I thought of looking in journals and thought back to conversations with friends to see a reoccurring theme. In the Idiot I mainly looked/thought of parts at the beginning, mainly the part where Myshkin talks with the servant about capital punishment as I have seen the scene be referred to as a d