seaside,caravans, walks // 35mm film // colourplus200

Got two rolls dveloped !

From walk a few weeks,maybe a month, ago.

liked the three colours, could maybe do with some cropping to get the wall down the left hand side out?

like this one, but it is out of focus which is a bit unfortunate. have still been using my camera with a broken ghost img so all the focuses i had to guess the distance, so dont feel Too bad about it.
i think the silver and black contrast looks really good tho, and i like the theme of 'old' stuff in streets that dont rlly get used much anymore.. like old covid stickers and also run down towns with older signage.

really like how the depth came out in this image with the winding path... sky is a bit blown out like a lot of imgs on these rolls, but im gonna work on that, as sometimes what you want it that clean cut across the sky, especially with buildings.

love this one actually, prob one of my faves. the framing is perf and the shape of the slide and symmetry is nice to look at.

a bit blurry no clue why.

took this bc i thought the concrete blocks were interesting.. think it would have been better if i got closer if im being honest, however i liked the contrast with the grass green and industrialness of the big cubes.

this was down the same industrial road as the one above and also the one beneath this one..
this image came out really well and the brightness of the back accentuates the flowers and strands.

liked the colour of this gate and also the half ripped off sign.

idk how i feel about this one. i think it came out p good, but not rlly feeling drawn to it. i like how the caravan fits almost perfectly in the frame though and also the van in the background with the flowers against it.

yea i guess idk

saw a huge rat on this bridge

again sky kinda blown out. i like how this photo came out and def prefer this horizontal one to the vertical one below. 

kinda like this one too but also meh. nice glow to it, lots of framing shapes, rectangles on the building n shape of door but also the cuts of sunlight

caravan trip.

really wanted to go crazy shooting on this trip as ik there would be a lot that would look cool to take photos of. the caravan was in the skirts of a kinda run down seaside down, and i also wanted to experiment with taking pics inside places too.

happy with this one despite the bright light coming from the window.. was doubting whether the images would come out as taking pics inside can be difficult in terms of lighting, also the weather wasnt sunny this day and it was p overcast.

nice i guess... idk.

this isnt great but i like how it came out.. it does look a bit muddy i guess,but i think that works in this context?

like how dusty this image is, but thats the effect of the weather.

came out wonkyyyy, really debating on whether i should try and fix my viewfinder.

liked the layering of the railings

think the framing could be moved further down - more of the grass into the frame

reallly happy with this one. i love old signs and the next day i was walking past and some guys were taking it down so it felt rlly nice to have got the picture just in time !

also happy with this one, despite it really not being perfect. i think i could probably just straighten it out if i really wanted to.
when taking the photo i liked the blue sign and then also saw the red umbrella so managed to get themboth in the shot. again, walked past this multiple times after n the umbrella was gone so another photo got in time

general photo of street.

love a bin, and this one was blue so it got snapped

saw these slot machines abandoned outside by the side of the arcade! might crop it in a bit tho to bring them more into a snappier focal point.

like this photo also !
the shape of the building and the point of it coming to in the centre of the image and also i liked the writing on the building and the 'SALE' signs in the windows.
the two little posts in the centre in front of the wall also add a nice touch

soooo happy when i saw this.... again, inside, was not expecting it to come out. i think im gonna try take more photos inside as i think i used 1/60 shutter speed which was quicker than what my meter was telling me.


fuuuuuuuuuuun! love!
another experiment with success ! i literally just held the shutter open for about 3 seconds.thinking now i shouldve taken more pics in the arcade but it was actually super dark in there obviously, but the long exposures would have been cool

love this one also, but i am disappointed in the bin wheels being cut out... when taking this i knew the colourful kegs all lined up and the yellow bin together would look perf

the sign said 'have you paid and displayed' which i thought was a funny sign to have among grass hills, but you cant really see the sign well

this one is nice.

dont know what the weird colourful rectangle in the right is doing but im into it. the donkeys also look v cute

bit overexposedddddddddd ah!

quite like this idk tho

snapped the red flag and accidentally got a dog in shot too ! like that the flag and dog are pointing in the same direction

didnt expect this to come out that well!! not too blurry and not too overexposed!

i liked this structure on a post and there were loads of crows on/in it but you cant really see them. i do like the image tho, but dont know if thats down to my photography skills but more bc of interesting design

like this one, but again could have got a touch less sky in it, or exposed it a bit less to get more sky detail

i think this one has a lot of sky, however there was a swimming pool below and a lot of kids in there so i couldnt rlly have shot it any differently. i liked the huts all lined up and the colours. i also like the hill that comes from the bottom of the freame to the huts in the right hand side and then also the people sat

this seagull was sat on the pole and then moved as i was taking the photo i instinctually tried to follow it with the camera, but i like how the background has a motion to it and the bird is more in 'focus'

more huts. also ducks and some people sat on a bench

this is my faveeeeeeeeeeee . i KNEW the red would look so good and it DOESS. 

blue and yellow are besties. couldnt decide to try focus on the flowers or bench tho
but this img has good depth that i like. the flowers, the bench, the steps and then some railing . i also think i like the shapness/turns of the angles, like the boat one has a very blocked sharp parked in cut in the frame due to the railings around the lake and also the shape of the lake. with this one it has a very staggered pathway for the gaze - the yellow flowers point to the bench, the bench curves round to the steps and the steps point/direct up to the left side of the frame

knew i wanted to take a photo of the red gas cannisters, but struggled to find some in the sun. i think if i found some in the light the colour would have looked a lot poppier, but i do like how this image turned out despite that. the shadow around the caravan creates a satisfying shape

a general photo of the carvan park

liked the arrows . wish i couldve been more parallel, but i think there was a car or smthn in the way, cant really remember. happy with the sky not being blown out and it came out nice and blue, but i think it couldpossibly look better cropped out, with the wall/building taking up the whole frame, but i also do love the point of the roof so idk

tired to take a photo of the arcade but it just really didnt come out well any of it.

stopped by the side of the road on the way back... love roads like these

i like how the grass and the tree shadows all reach in the same direction

the triangle of tree in top right is nice

reason why i stopped - wind turbines. the yellow came out PHENOMENTAL in my opinion...

wanted to get the green and yellow contrast

tried to capture the gate but dont think it came out well

went to a nature reserve type thing near my my mums house, ashby ville

liked the car park lines. this all used to be gravel

tried to get a contrast of the nature vs the steel works. i took a better one later on, which youll find further below

no clue what happened here tbh

nice tree! for some reason there were some white rocks near the lake and theyve seem to have gone to heaven in this image i guess haha. the tree looks epic, but trees tend to really

another of the steel works

thought the pink looke more abundant a few steps further along so snapped another

love this,,, came out great, looks heavenly TBH! 

tried to capture the two swans but they got blown out.. light meters are liars sometimes ! 

walk the other day

shouldve gotten closer to the tyres!

saw this view over a wall. came out v nice and interestin

there was an abandoned petrol station or smthn, this is the only angle i could reallyget as was heavily fenced so couldnt get the whole structure in one image without it not looking good

liked the colours

bela lugosi
took some pictures of my car as its going to have to go to the scrap soon : ( had this car since the end of 2016!!!! so nearly eight years


noticed a lot of photos i remember taking,,, moments id otherwise forget?? grounding,,, idk interestin...

photog proejcts / rolls
high street
roads round scun,, roads to other towns thing did a while ago

push film roll - maybe on late summer flat rainy weather? so not tons of contrast, and also in the eve... somewhere with good coloured lights to get interesting deep contrasts (somewhere where i can not need detailed shadows basically)
try flash
long exposures in club maybe? or just inside places with lots of light like the bowling alley.

take more polaroids?

gonna start underexposing photos i think on sunny days esp... some of themhave come quite blown out, but i ST~UPiidly? kept thinking of ppl saying it better to overexpose film than under expose it, but the car ones came out p well and i used 60 shutter instead of 30 im p sure
