35mm photos // amsterdam & nature reserve // colourplus200

got my film developed from amsterdam , a few of the last ones are from the nature reserve i went to last week.

Since a lot of my previous film shooting has been on expired film i found in a charity shop years ago, i havent had a lot of experience on trying film u can currently buy. i think the last few times for example i just bought kodak gold as that tends to be whats There, but this time i decided to try kodak's colour plus for a change, which turned out to be a good idea as i think the photos came out really nice and im kinda obsessed with the colours and i think its my fave, when i first got the photos back i was really suprised by how crisp they were.

a lot of these photos definitely didn't come out 'perfect' but i think thats kinda the point with film, and as i shoot more film ill be able to use these outcomes to fit my intentions etc etc.

the first photo i took on this roll was when i was walking in the morning and saw this bike and the flowers together. luckily for me i remembered to take a test photo first as i knew the first exposure usually has already been exposed and gets cut out completely or gets cut off... luckily this one only got cut off a little bit

dont remember taking this one but the glow of the coffee cup is really nice.. almost metaphorical to how it feels to finally get a cup of coffee in the morning... a lot of the photos i took inside / later in the day i never really expect them to come out great or even at all due to lighting, so i am always happy to just get some sort of image

cooollllllcccoooool coooooooooooool

some statues in the rijksmuseum gardens. really interesting to how differently they came out

took two of the same thing as i got scared that id left my lens camera on haha

a shot of the scene i sketched that day, which i put a pic of in the other post

treees. the sky is always difficult to deal with when taking photos but thats ok,, mostly because its tough shit

maybe ill take more photos of signs. they always somehow make nice pictures i think

nice nice niceee. building is a bit blown out, but the reflection and colours all work so well. also the blue boat in the water in contrast to the red, what im guessing, bin on the road.

sneaky pic of some strangers

i took loads of photos on the canal trip, mainly because i took a few normal ones and then also wanted to try longer exposures with the motion of the boat.

it started raining and the boat had a roof so i snapped a pic . came out so nice and interestin!

the next 2 have half covered frames, think bc i was resting the camera on the window sill/ledge in the boat, but the actual window started a touch further up


i have learnt it is really difficult to tell if ur in focus when water is moving about, so i just kinda guessed,,, not well obviously

dont know what went on here !

i like this one of centraal station... was trying to get motion of people, specifically a cyclist, but had to settle for walkers instead

whoosh i guess

think these few i was just holding my finger on the button/the shutter open for about 3 seconds? i just winged it and hoped for the best


happy and suprised by how this pic turned out as i probably had to use a slow shutter speed as it was getting dimmer

a pic of our hotel and a pic of the canal

photo of window in rijksmuseum. think the problem with this is the room was dark so light meter gave me a reading that was too exposed, and so also the shutter was slow so got a wavy pic. 

before we left for the airport and the rain which i think u can kinda see?

nature reserve

fun signs, blown out a bit unfortunately 


love this one ngl. again had to guess the focus, but the ripples look so gooooood

shes a bit overexposed but its ok

film is actually very lenient. shooting film often comes with intimidation especially when dealing with the settings and light meter etc. when u do the settings yourself you almost always get a picture. it might not be a Perfect picture, but you most likely will get some form of one, even if its a touch over or under exposed etc etc. bc im getting more and more used to using it, i think this is reassuring. when taking a picture i feel it can feel intimidating when u first start, but now when i take pictures i know ill likely get something and dont have as much of a daunting feeling that i wont get anything at all and waste a whole roll.
automatic film cameras seem 'safer' when first starting, but a lot of the time they have set f stops etc especially with disposables and its with cameras like these when u get a lot of blank shots.

now im getting more used to using my camera settings and meter, i think i want to try play with and think more about the effects of the f stop and shutter speed, as i often find i try change the f stop to get a shutter speed of 125 or 250. i know the f stop affects the depth of field but for some reason i can never remember which way round it is !!!
also i can tell im getting used to the camera settings which is really excitin... sometimes i can kinda guess what settings i can use and also (after paris especially) which shutter speeds come out a bit wavy  (30 mostly) and whether i can squeeze one last stable photo out of the last remaining sun light lol

while writing this post i had a little look at the paris photos which im like 90% sure i shot with kodak gold and i can really see the difference in tone. the paris ones have a more nostalgic tone with the warmer hues.
i think colourplus came out looking crisper and the colours are more defined. i also think this film works really well on greens, as the nature shots i took benefit really well from this film stock it seems.
