a week in art // 15-21 april 2024

monday 15th april
went to get film developed today. i had three rolls ! got printed copies then went to the library and used the photocopier to scan them.. waited for ages for the flatbed scanner to scan shopping lists and someone was on the computer so i couldntttttttt ahhhhh
got home and edited the photos as the photocopier sends them to ur email and either jpeg or pdf and jpeg aint great i guess so i decided pdf and then had to use photoshop to turn them into separate images....
made a post with them here: 35mm piccies

also rang the mechanic and a technician is having to look at my car so hopefully its not the cylinder n something fixable or otherwise its bye bye bela lugosi :(((( ive had that car for nearly 8 years n its been thru THICK and THIN!!!!!!! had a little sulk on the bus on the way home

Tuesday 16th april

had workieeee started a new book to read alongside the one ive been reading for a while bc idk if i like itttt

recorded another bnw sound (36) at work.. the birds sounded nice

after work: washed my hair, dr who.. sketched some squares???? chnged bed sheettsss

Wednesday 17th april

work, recorded anotherrrr bnw sound thing slay (37)

ate yum

edited bnw sound from today n yesterday

also cctv studio vid was scheduled 4 today

made file for room essay on photoshop quickly... might have to look into learning to use indesign...

edit loop to sound shitter.. found some interference noise.. might try make it alien-y.. got carried away with it now its past 3am oops

crochet with the wire a bit.. tried some different things

tried to crochet tabs together using thinner wire

tried crocheting around a tab with thinner wire to see if could then link them together..

tried winding n binding with the thicker wire... think this might be the best may to go but need wire in between the two ive got... this one is .8mm, thinner is maybe .1 or .2... too thin n it snaps easily..

THursday 18th april
EXHAUSTD!! worrrrrrk.. ordered food.
watched movie! The Last Temptation of Christ. by martin scorsese and also willem dafoe is in it and david bowieeeeeeeeee 

heres some screen caps i found online

Friday 19th april

cleaned garden! 
collected car.....
went to shop
ate food.
looked at car breaking stuff p much all night oops

thinking of making something with my old ignition coils. that i had in my boot for forever.. took some pinterest screenshots, gonna put them on a separate post tho

Saturday 20th april

bloggo.. harddrive edit bitsssss : P 
tried editing antiaction but still dont know what i want to do with it!!!!!!!! ahh
also looked at untitled loop... mabe will make more 'film' to draw on and scan. bc otherwise will just look like a loop???
also listened to track-y bits again... really need to re record once i find the cable for my pedal to attach to computer......

SUNDAY 21st april
tesco training
booked train ticket to see my mum 2morrow, her bf has an old car so gonna be using that while i sort my car out
painted for a while!!! worked on chair 1.

got a busy week next week n tomorrow especially so didnt do anythin in the evening/night.. did watch 20th century women tho was good

also ha bnw sound scheduled to be posted 2day

had a weird tiring week this week,, like all weeks tho i supposed.. hopefully next week having a funcioning car will make it easier.. can do a big shop n get some good food..
