a week in art // 08-14 april 2024

monday 8th april

been finding it difficult to fall asleep so woke up v late  in the day 2day.

had to walk a bit after getting off the bus and took some pictures.

been thinking of ways i can fill the rest of the film i have in my camera and might so to stockport again n have a wander n snap some piccies.

been needing to go to hobbycraft n bnq so just decided to go on the bus.
got some wire from bnq (0.8mm) and also a plant that was on offer. got some printing bits from hobbycraft, but they didnt have any oil printing ink or litho pencils, so just gonna have to go somewhere else or look online

got home and made some food.. did some tests with the wire, but i think its too thick : (

tried making rings out of the wire as weaving wasnt working. but it was a bit too loose i think n flopping everywhere

then tried wrapping the wire around each tab on its own and then twisting n it worked better but wire was difficult to bend.

desiree had some v thin wire, think it must be like .1mm or smthn, and it worked loads better...
rigid yet moveable.

was going to work on deld doc when in bed for a bit, but tired n head kinda hurts

tuesday 9th april

didnt do anythin 2day

watched shark doc i got from c.e.x tho

Wednesday 10th April

had work.

got home and had a brew.. made some notes on my paintin...

worked on deld for a bit.. really managing to get thru it which is nice. have some bearings and clarity on it finally... heres a little screen shot.

also tried to see if i could edit some random footage to look like wide lens, but i think i just need to try find a wide lens if i can get one for cheap, otherwise might have to use my phone to film some bits...

would work on deld more but its nearly 4am n i should start winding down otherwise ill never sleep n have work again tomorrow/later today lol

thursday 11th april

such a faff of a day.. very moody.
got told my car was ready n went to pick it up and it wasnt so was late to work.
then got put on a random aisle at work and wasnt really into it and oats fell on the floor bc one of the boxes was broken and also a jar of pasta sauce had a tumble n smashed everywhere... not relly into that.
got home and had no rizlas left so had a walk to the petrol station at like 1am n it was quite nice. love the night n would walk about more but stranger danger is a thing i guess... 
ordered pizza as have not rlly any food in the house bc i cant do a big shop n use my colleague clubcard til i get my car back which im hoping is tomorrow, but when i was at the garage earlier they were testing it n faffing about so i have a feeling theyre gonna say smthn else is wrong with it... what use are men if they cant even fix a car for real.......

got home from work n worked on deld for a bittt

friday 12th april

rang about my car n guess what they still havent fixed it........

decided to go on a walk, as it was a nice day, to use the rest of a film roll i had in my camera that i was using in paris.. got two photos in and accidentally pressed the button on my camera that rolls the film lmao... still should get maybe 20 tops photos out of it.. gonna try develop it next week... since my film was done, i used my phone n got some nice pics.. 

started at some side road that has some industrial sites, then walked to a park and had a pit stop at b&m

At the parkkkkkkkkkk.. had a go on the zip wire too yay

tried to capture the colours together

walk home

had to wallk thru a car park n found an abandoned building.. was full of security camras tho. which i weird to pay for security for an abandoned building.. managed to get fun pics thru the fence and i think it used to be a bingo placeeeeeee :O 

liked the contrast with the new builds


bonus photo of bag i got from b&m

thinking i might do another shoot where i take my dslr n take 24 photos again, bc last time i got some good ones..

tried to sleep early as was p tired but got thinking about my car n was mad about it

saturday 13th april

had work........ was ok. found 2 shopping lists.
got home, showered, n had to walk to petrol station. ate left over pizza n now im doing this/ading the pics from yesterday.. gonna sort some of my todos n projects i think.. have a lot of notes on these posts n i should put them on my notion....

sunday 14th april

guitar pedal n made some loopy thingsssss with the zoom pedal.. love that pedal i swear... had the EP in mind to go with the turning left draft thing i made the other week n a thing i started/made a demo of a few yrs ago called 'dont mind the time'


been wanting to make another webcam vid of the cctv studio stuff i did a while ago and forgot last time i painted, so did it today... will add it to next weeks post as scheduled it for wednesday on my yt..

the list i made the other day for the painting helped loads and i decided to work on the leaves on chair 1 today.  spent maybe an hr or 2... how tiring.

def gonna chisel it out a touch more, and sort the rest of the chair out.

had that guitar loop stuck in my head for the evening... maybe its ... g o o d ? idk. need a way to edit it into somethin tho... will have a think .

b&w sound scheduled for today was from after tesco shut .. kinda eerie with the noises and lack of noises.


sketched this chair... been meaning to for a while and felt like doing something sketchy... maybe ill try do it again at a different angle?? idk 

first did it a bit too big so had to start again on next page as couldnt find a rubbbbbber

damn maybe i can draw??????? crazy
