musee dorsay

 went to paris for my birthday and visited musee d'orsay.. saw lots of sexy art..

camera pics:

Le Chêne | Jules Dupré
oil on canvas // between 1860 & 1870

Le Catalpa, souvenirs de Ville-d'Avray | Camille Corot
oil on canvas // 1869

was v drawn to the trees in a lot of the paintings

Labourage nivernais / Le Sombrage | Rosa Bonheur
oil on canvas // 1849

the mud!!!!!!!

L'Homme à la ceinture de cuir. Portrait de l'artiste. | Gustave Coubert
oil on canvas // between 1845 & 1846

no one was gonna tell me how fit coubert was?

Le Ruisseau noir | Gustave Coubert
oil on canvas // 1865

Falaise | Antoine Vollon
oil on canvas // around 1870

La Mer Orageuse / La Vague | Gustave Coubert
oil on canvas // 1870

found a lot of artists id never really heard of or had heard of but never looked at their works... coubert

liked the layout of these frames,, all the same sizes

Auguste au tombeau d'Alexandre | Eugène Buland
oil on canvas // between 1870 & 1878

Orphée | Louis Français
oil on canvas // 1863
like the tree, the moon, the and the figure beneath it...

Enfant avec un masque | Léon Gérôme
oil on canvas // between 1840 & 1856

didn't really like this one, but was really drawn to the mask

Abel | Camille Bellanger
oil on canvas // between 1874 & 1875

almost sexless..?

Le Puma / Lionne guettant une proie | Eugène Delacroix
oil on canvas // 1859

Madame de Loynes | Amaury-Duval
oil on canvas // 1862
think theres a few portraits of pale gothic women, one even similar to this in manc gallery

Le Chevalier aux fleurs | Georges Rochegrosse
oil on canvas // before 1894
the reflection!!!!!

La Roue de la Fortune | Edward Burne-Jones
oil on canvas // between 1875 & 1883
a woman spinning some men 

Louis Pasteur | Albert Edelfelt
oil on canvas // 1885
thought the depiction of the glasses was interesting and well done

Romains de la Décadence | Thomas Couture
oil on canvas // 1847
a huge painting of a typical scene 

dont think ive seen a sculpture with such vivid marbling 

Hôpital Saint-Paul à Saint-Rémy-de-Provence | Van Gogh
oil on canvas // 1889

Schneelandschaft / Grosser Winter | Cuno Amiet
oil on canvas // 1904

La Maison de Solness le Constructeur | Henry Provensal
oil on canvas // 1902

La Solitude | Alexander Harrison
oil on canvas // about 1893
liked the tones in this painting

Le Peintre Friedrich König et Ida Kupelwieser dans une forêt | Maximilian Lenz
oil on canvas // about 1910
the tones of the woods and the reflection in the lake is insaneeee

Les Muses | Maurice Denis
oil on canvas // 1893
this painting was also of a wood/forest but the floor was like a carpet???!!!

liked the block-iness of thiss

La Belle Angèle | Paul Gauguin
oil on canvas // 1889
like the style of this in the sense of the layout.. a picture within a picture?

Londres, le Parlement. Trouée de soleil dans le brouillard | Claude Monet
oil on canvas // 1904

Bras de Seine près de Giverny | Claude Monet
oil on canvas // 1897

Phone photos:

Le Chene , Jules Dupree

Saint-Marc de Venise, la Madonna del Baccio | Ernest Meissonier
oil on canvas // 1882

Deux paysannes Italiennes et un enfant | Jean-Léon Gérôme
oil on canvas // 1849
the colours in this were crazy.. blocked out and pop arty in a way but very realistic!

La lavandière | Ernest Hébert
oil on canvas // 1869
like her earrings

had a little sketch of the branches

Vue d'une villa romaine | Achille Benouville
oil on canvas // 1844
again very blocked out in a way

interieur standgade 30 | Vilhelm Hammershøi
oil on canvas // 1904
never heard of this artist but feel like ive seen a version of this painting???

Eglise de Vétheuil | Claude Monet
oil on canvas // 1879

dont know where these trees were from but interesting in the sense of how painting detail is just painting the impression of the details....

Maurice de Vlaminck
fun fruits.. doesnt take a lot to capture the image of something.

Les Glaciers, mer de Kara | Alexandre Sergejewitsch Borisoff
oil on canvas // 1906
dont think ive ever seen paitnings of scenes like this... kinda swedish , greenland or something??? idk 

Vue de Capolago | Giovanni Giacometti
oil on canvas // about 1907
lines!!!! fun!

Route de Gennevilliers / Faubourg de Paris | Paul Signac
oil on canvas // 1883

Les Andelys | Paul Signac
oil on canvas // 1886

Le Cirque | Georges Seurat
oil on canvas // 1890-91

classic van gogh

Raboteurs de parquet | Gustave Caillebotte
oil on canvas // 1875
so slay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the arms and proportioning of the bodies i love

Grosse mer à Etretat | Claude Monet
oil on canvas // between 1868 & 1869

had to see this! i have had a print of this in my room after i stole it from my mum as she had had it in her hallway since i can remember.

other misc Sketches from at the gallery

some torso

tired to draw a lion i think then gave up and turned it into some shapes

a chair in the gallery

from the 21st... bottom of a street light sketch

gonna make another post with further research of the painters newly discovered...?
