action video 2 painting outcome

 Painting from Action video piece 2:

interesting how ideas come out as u go along, 
started with just wanting to use the black tool i got as its cool n a sponge!!!. ... also a bit of white perhaps.. but started having ideas of what to do and things I wanted to add eventho i wasnt intending to put any 'ideas' into the painting. Eg added a 'T' shape as I was thinking about thats how far i can move my arms up to for 6 weeks after surgery, n then bc of that i wanted to add a 6 maybe somewhere, but then added it as I was drawing a line and made it into a tally looking thing.
Also noticed when i started I was using more curvier lines than before.

Think this has reassured me, as I think ive been trying to make sure i have this project sorted as it has a limited time frame to do it in, but itll sort itself i think. esp w session 2 on the first painting
