monologues !! been thinking of them for a while and was so interesting to see how a play functioned with one actor!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! characters that weren't really there but she would speak to, worked extremely well. The way the audience is also involved as its kinda directed towards them but also not at all - without the expectation of a response/not a panto.

the class system ! so relatable personally. even tho im not in law work stuff, in the arts/media/big boy industries. 
The class system in the UK is really smthn thats really affected me, so i really liked to see this topic explored on stage

Got out the cinema n tweeted how i wanted to beat men up ! OBVIOUSLy not all men just Those Ones, since the play was about sexual assault it made me think of all the shitty men ive met ok, and I GOT Suspended for 12 hours !so i cant tweet about the play or anything now. 

I wrote a whole essay while on the bus in my notes app ! 
I think also i will go see it again bc theyve got some more showtimes available in manc,.. bc it was good n i wanna see again but also was dissociating/maladaptive daydreaming a bit but couldnt help it bc it was making me Think.

SPLIT INTO Tough n prima facie n fri 22nd posts?:::::

primafacie--- art art artttt art is so amazing. b4 was so tired n now I feel like a normal person again . to have An Experience is underestimated.. being out on ur own is so romantic. the sky is duller the lights n water so pretty . maybe its bc I haven't been out for An Evening in a while bc money n sleep schedule.

dissociated a bit on n off bc my mind kept going on tangents but will go see again with desireeee.

thinking about dissociation n depersonalisation n derealisation. remember going to some meditation thing . felt my consciousness seep back into my body n I did not like it! reminded me we our bodies does things to protect us n I won't feel my body belongs to me til I get top surgery at least?

derealisation is the real bitch. why my hands look wavy and why are my ears on the ceiling- the sound of my own voice delayed from my mouth not even sounding like my own voicee

Also was thinking about the prison system n how I wanted to mayb do some silly play on security theatre, as its similar drag in the sense of being a performance - as the police have a specific uniform. 

 guilt - you can only condemn yourself. a theatrical trial

Then a while ago or so (idk how long) I was thinking about the word Tough/Rough in association with class. Sometimes shit happens and its tough, and youre brain tries to work out a solution but u just know its tough and you have to get on with it.

write tough monologue/play?? like make descriptive thing on how ur mind eventually lands on ... its just TOUGH . idk if I can do it(get good job pretend to be posh?) but I don't wanna b poor lol

Like ik i can become successful n ik im gonna make good stuff n put it out there n stuff. Like ik i can, but also know that the class system will get u when it wants u.

social identity. idk if I can adapt to those sort of ways. 

 ppl like to feel important blog post im going to write. talking professionally,  can also combine some of roman a clef ideas/themes. like feeling like a class traitor idk? 

I feel like theres so much more to say and this post is very jumbled, but perhaps ill make another if i manage to go see it again. 
Also im going to make seperate blog posts from this one- one on class/tough idea, so maybe ill be able to expand there, but ill likely end up repeating the same stuff
