
Ive had an idea to do something about space in my room.
Space is such an important thing to our mentalities as people and mental health as a whole. As ive always had problems sleeping, ive read a lot of things about how important it is to have different spaces for different things eg:work and sleep.
During quarantine i think this is more relevant so its been on my mind more, especially trying to work from home as i have one room to sleep in, work in, eat in, dry my laundy in, etc and it can be quite difficult.

However, i am unsure how to do this project and show this. I think i wanted it to be in video format, but i guess photos could be interesting too.

For video i could film throughout day with time stamps with a camera that is stationary.
Or i could create a performance piece that has more of a direction in terms of action
or i could have multiple 'me's in a video or image??
with any of these i could also have borrowed footage/sound of lecturers talking about this.

possible title: 'room, space, head'
reading crime n punishment n lives in one room

If any1 has any cool sources or ideas 4 this would b open to ideas as i think this could be a small project that i could just get out, but when does that ever happen really bc i say that with all my projects.


  1. bit late but I'm just catching up on your stuff, Ai Weiwei did a lot of sculptures/dioramas of his time in a prison cell


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