fag film[s]

made a joke that there should be a performance piece of people in really bummy clothes on a runway based on what people wear when going to smoke at 2am bc ive noticed when ppl go out for a cigarette at home or whatever they always are dressed in the bummiest clothes. like pj bottoms, bigjackets etc. so i thought to do it as a video performance piece maybe.
I want it to be very gay and have club like music. Also have been working on a collage of the photos that come on cigarette packets as some of them are quite strange and funny. How did they take them??

looked at some weird club music compilations

although i had a brief idea for this project, i have been putting it to the side for a while as i hadnt yet set upon exactly what i wanted and was still thinking about that and also found more relevant sources and ideas as i was processing the idea.
Also thought about filming it using TIKTOK??? as there are lots of effects including a green screen effect which i thought would look cool and thought about how i could get a green screen in a studio with a good camera with a good bit for the colour, or maybe use my dslr as if it looked not as good with a low/8 bit it would go along with the trashy side, but also thought about how crazy it was that you can use an app (TIKTOK) to do so many effects that would take a while to edit in a program in a second! obviously it doesnt look the same/perfect but i thought that was interesting and considered filming with tiktok. From somewhere in the middle, i started considering not doing a catwalk and having dramatic poses with the collage as the background, but then thought about drifting away from the performance side and having an edited montage type thing, but then also was questioning how long it would be as it couldn't be too long but wanted it to be a substantial thing?
This is why i was torn and needed time to process as nothing felt right yet. Also didn't know how long 

so i gave it time to cook in my BRAIN. 

found this video on twitter which i really liked and goes with similar themes of my dissertation as well as i had been thinking where to draw the line between bummy/trashy and glamour in this film/piece. (beware vid may be loud)
https://twitter.com/idonthavemoneyd/status/1198764883434561536 distorted meme video!

Was also reading a Susan Sontag book for my dissertation and it also had the essay 'Notes on Camp' which i had been wanting to read for a while and then it lead me to think how i could portray this in my film and what camp even is. Camp is trashy but it also can be glamour.

I want this piece to also have humour and irony in a way, as i think the main reason i wanted to make it gay is to allude to the slur and how in queer culture these can be reclaimed and often used in both an empowering way but also an ironic way to make fun of homophobia. I dont know if that makes any sense.

Also found this Golmine of a video on twitter of an ad from 2009 and thought it was very funny because WHATTTTTTTTTTTT.

Also i remember seeing another video on twitter AGES ago of CCTV footage of a drunk woman in a tube/subway station yelling n stuff at the cctv(it was silent tho) and it had been edited to look like a perfume advert with club type music but i cant find it ANYWHERRRREEEEEEEE!!!!


gotta work out the line between trashy and glamorous??!!!!
also thought about boomerangs that you can make on instagram
do some on tiktok, some on camera?

go to protools to do sum dancey beat shit???

Mid february started sticking together all the cut outs from the tobacco packets i had collected with cellotape (i like the plastic-y look). Its not v big yet, but yaa.



while on grace's shoot and being in the studio space and R05 i had an idea and so wrote it on a piece of tissue bc thats all there was! I thought to split it into 2 pieces (a tiktok and a perfoemance piece) and also had a layout in my head pretty much fully formed.

what it says:
- paper roll for catwalk
   > draw posca (pen) lines on it
- have lights & club music
- collage hang in background?
- project tiktok in back?
   >nicer/dressedup/camp-y too?
- drawings?
  > get while emulsion from aldershot/wilkos
- *drawing of catwalk* < walk in bummy clothes
- mannequins around and cage thing
- multiple stationary cameras
- shot of rainbow lighters in tiktok?

ALSO THE SAME DAY I FOUND A BIG BIT OF MDF ON CAMPUS so i took it n chopped it in half to paint on n place around the set/runway, thats why i wrote to get paint from wilkos.

started painting the boards bc it was an easy thing to do and quite meditative! but havent got enough to make the coat thick enough and cant get more bc of the lockdown rip.

When i got back after grace's i re-drew the catwalk layout:

Since then, i have been making a powerpoint to dump everything on and arrange and edit layout and sources etc, so last night i did that for both the sides of the project.

I keep writing/drawing things at work on receipts n stuff . this is what i meant by the word layout (the top)

while at the lgbt society we had an art session n i did some drawings with this piece in mind for the two pieces of mdf

some thoughts on more doodles/notes from when i was working... some stuff for onscreen drawing ideas for catwalk/performance one to the left and on the top of the yellow piece and also the paper to the right is about the image n maybe taking a photo for it?
