
Showing posts from March, 2020

poem identity video | making clouds n sun n moon

got some foam board to paint to make some clouds and a sun and a moon for the identity project im working on with a friend/film student. Sone photos from the process and the final outcomes.

fag film[s]

made a joke that there should be a performance piece of people in really bummy clothes on a runway based on what people wear when going to smoke at 2am bc ive noticed when ppl go out for a cigarette at home or whatever they always are dressed in the bummiest clothes. like pj bottoms, bigjackets etc. so i thought to do it as a video performance piece maybe. I want it to be very gay and have club like music. Also have been working on a collage of the photos that come on cigarette packets as some of them are quite strange and funny. How did they take them?? looked at some weird club music compilations although i had a brief idea for this project, i have been putting it to the side for a while as i hadnt yet set upon exactly what i wanted and was still thinking about that and also found more relevant sources and ideas as i was processing the idea. Also thought about filming it using TIKTOK??? as there are lots of effects including a green screen effect which i thought would lo

digital photos from set of jaspers film

also took some film too but i lost a roll as it broke out of the canister in my camera which was nice :^)))) Also cant develop it now as the stuff at uni is shut so yuuuh. Sun. 15th March took some photos of the makeup i did also to try keep continuity and reference later on. since there was no dop or gaffer as they'd dropped out i did a lot of the lighting along with the camera op. Added a back light to try add more depth to the shot. trying to sort the shot list/schedule out by what scenes needed to be shot in the day and what scenes needed to be shot in the night. nan goldin WHO? did the lighting in this scene as the film is inpired by new wave type stuff i thought