photography experimentation

Lately, I've been trying to take more photographs and more particularly in black and white. I think this is because i think they look more like photographs, whereas coloured ones it is easier for them to seem more real with how good the quality can be. Also been watching a lot of Bob Dylan videos (whats new) and theyre in black and white which i like as they have a shape to them and give the things in the frame a more outlined and blocked out Look.
I walked around Farnham with my friend and took some photos and played around a bit, trying to get some interesting lines, shapes, and textures.

The sky looked really cool out of our balcony, so i took some photos there too:

took some photos when went to the shop, as it was dark and i wanted to shoot some video for the sound piece i did last year:

Then, last night, I went for a walk to hunt for scrap wood and also take more video footage and ended up taking some photos too which i am quite happy with. Because it was dark there was a lot of interesting light that reminded me of Brassai
