
Showing posts from October, 2019

sound memory piece presentation post

based around memory trying to create a drifting feeling and disconnection and a movement going from past to present possibly future too? INSPO uwu  inspired when i was listening to metal machine music and it began to feel like a memory, not a specific memory but just like a memory. album takes a little bit of patience to listen to at first can b a bit jarring but 20 seconds or so in it becomes kind of like an ambience? like we have rain sounds and stuff and it reminds me of that. Also i feel the theme of patience is interesting and reminds me of ad reinhardt's paintings. Interesting subject in our world of over stimulation and also the ongoing process of life and the absurd. ALSO listening to other stuff: - shoegazer genre - machine gun and other jazz? - 1975 have some dreamy stuff - revolution 9 Plan: rlly wanna experiment w sounds and stuff bc i feel i have a lot of sources and things im inspired by and ideas, but i need a solid something to build off so i can work on

photography experimentation

Lately, I've been trying to take more photographs and more particularly in black and white. I think this is because i think they look more like photographs, whereas coloured ones it is easier for them to seem more real with how good the quality can be. Also been watching a lot of Bob Dylan videos (whats new) and theyre in black and white which i like as they have a shape to them and give the things in the frame a more outlined and blocked out Look. I walked around Farnham with my friend and took some photos and played around a bit, trying to get some interesting lines, shapes, and textures. The sky looked really cool out of our balcony, so i took some photos there too: took some photos when went to the shop, as it was dark and i wanted to shoot some video for the sound piece i did last year: Then, last night, I went for a walk to hunt for scrap woo