collective post of everything !

i ams & u ares. - talking pattern/heart and whirl of computer????
nostalgia & online
everything happens in the negative space with pin points.
materialism, what is valuale/what makes something obtain 'worth', nihilistic, the visual split between modality and substance.
just because we hold it in our hands does that make it more real?
is the physicality of a photography merely an attempt to hold onto the past and/or validate that we exist.
The internet wouldnt be there if we weren't there to perceive it. People say 'if you put thing online its there forever' but where is There??
Stream of thought - ulysses. internet slang????
was going to make a music piece/collection called about the internet but idk if i wanna do that for this project bc id rather spend time on it and make it good and maybe write some spoken stuff for it too???
Ashley Bickerton, The Murder Mystery, Epic,
consciousness & the internet & dreams.
A globe/connections.
humans are vessels for dreams whereas devices like computers are vessels for the internet.
different tracks on escapism, etc??
polaroids? - i bought some but i feel too much pressure to use them so i havent taken any yet.
film cam? - double exposures?
painting i was working on anyway i guess?

The Soul - do i/we just feel we have souls bc we have a social identity/self awareness/are aware of our own presence???

eg: the ship of theseus theory. if one replaced every part of my soul/identity over time would one be classed as the same person even though ones identity/values arent the same but visually one still looks 'similar'
dont feel like the same person at all!! Difficult to define ourselves because all the things that we feel make up our identities are not permanent - u can change with natural life and there are people who get brain damage and they cant remember anything so does our memories make us who we are? also people who have brain damage whos entire personality changes and they just become an asshole? or what about when people have mental episodes, is that Them? Okay, so what about our body, one thing that we cant 'change' out of and we are stuck in as it develops over time, however our bodies also change, (ship of theseus theory again - cells change one at a time is still us but if we took all our old cells/old body say from 10 years ago and put it next to who one is now would that b different?) our cells die and we get new ones so is that what makes us Us?
at first i thought this meant we dont have souls but now thinking about it mayb could but have entirely different ones over time.
life is the ongoing biological processes.
IDENTITY: we are made up of memories, perceptions, feelings, etc.
we have the potential to be multiple people however we cant selectively become certain ppl as we'll never know the right 'ingredients' to become them. and also are attached to the consciousness of the body we are in.
Orion, Scorpius, Orphiuchus.
Godot - Purpose????
if only definitive in life is death how would immortality play into that?
Epic and cabaret chorus - turn into play? theatre of cruelty & society.Madness& performance, metropolis/machine movement. Also chorus was used to comment on narrative and an epic poem is a narrative poem, was also reading about how the odyssey and iliad were probably sung/spoken and Homer was the one to write them down.
practitioners, theatre comes from 'to watch'/'to observe' in Greek. so audience are the spectators and the chorus would be this almost 'god' complex type form. Video could act as a TV interruption to include the audience. fake money.
the stars!!!
action art - problem paints expensive, canvases are, and also dont want the artist to have an 'identity' would want it to focus on the movement but not a mask.
body language/muted conversation?
ceci nest pas un corps
ants and bugs
natural movement - breathing, clouds moving.
'drunk' music dream beats.
tableau of body parts/positions?
