PRO TOOLS | Researching Sounds

when thinking of researching sounds, I suddenly remembered that some poets have sound versions on spotify as albums as I recalled once hearing/seeing of Allen Ginsberg's reading of Howl. When I found this, it didnt have any music or other sounds, which wasn't useful, however this led to me looking more into poetry albums and i found some interesting things.
I looked at:
Allen Ginsberg
William Burroughs
The Last Poets
An American Prayer
Maya Angelou
The Best Cigarettes
T.S. Elliott reading poems and choruses
No deposit no Return
Poetry for the Beat Generation
Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, & Peter Porter read their poetry.

Then I remembered Patti Smith, whose stuff is probably a lot more music-y than soundscape like, however her song Land is a lot more soundscape like, i would say. I also listened to some of her live stuff as artists like this usually take different interesting angles during live performances. This then reminded me of how lou reed does this to, at this point I was just trying to dig up as many sources as i could to give myself as much space as i could.
I also listened to the Brian Eno album Another Green World, which made me think more about layering sounds and also the atmosphere and connotations of sounds.
