
Showing posts from November, 2018

PRO TOOLS | process and editing

I began by reading over the poem, lady lazarus, as well as listening to the recording of Sylvia Plath reading it on youtube to allow me to process the meaning, symbolism, and atmosphere in the piece. The first thing that came to mind while reading it was that I could imagine it with a slight performance-esque tone to it with some reverb. Kind of like this particular scene in a movie by nicolas roeg called performance where the characters voices sound projected in a way if that makes sense. I then read into the poem and used this website to further analyse and find extra information. I thought the poem was quite interesting with the phonetic language and the 3 line layout. I also had crescendo and harp type noises in my mind from the very beginning. As well as this, I watched pro tools videos to try and understand the software to really be able to utilise it in the best way and also typed out the poem parts that i wanted to u

PRO TOOLS | Researching Sounds

when thinking of researching sounds, I suddenly remembered that some poets have sound versions on spotify as albums as I recalled once hearing/seeing of Allen Ginsberg's reading of Howl. When I found this, it didnt have any music or other sounds, which wasn't useful, however this led to me looking more into poetry albums and i found some interesting things. I looked at: Allen Ginsberg William Burroughs The Last Poets An American Prayer Maya Angelou The Best Cigarettes T.S. Elliott reading poems and choruses No deposit no Return Poetry for the Beat Generation Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, & Peter Porter read their poetry. Then I remembered Patti Smith, whose stuff is probably a lot more music-y than soundscape like, however her song Land is a lot more soundscape like, i would say. I also listened to some of her live stuff as artists like this usually take different interesting angles during live performances. This then reminded me of how lou reed does this to, at th