Summer Project

For the 12 photos for my summer project, I decided to take them in a nearby wooded area where I used to live as this is somewhere where I often spent some of my time. The project brief said to use our mobile phones and mentioned it wished us to think about how cameras/technology development and how accessible taking photos is now, and so this inspired the idea to do it in a 1x1 framing due to the app instagram which is the platform where everybody posts these photos that they have just snapped in the moment. I had never previously thought about changing the settings on my phone, or even the framing in general, to take photos so I found this quite interesting. 
Below in the captions you can read why i chose these photos as my 12 and what I like about them/particular aspects I found interesting.

I like how the three branches reach towards the top of the frame
 and split out. 

The split between the trees and sky makes this photo look
 cool; i love the texture of the clouds and leaves
this is a pretty basic photo, however i think it stood out to me
due to the two tree trunks that stand out as they line the sides of
the frame.

The water was kind of red the day I took these photos and you
can see that slightly under the reflection on top of the water. The
light reflecting off the water gives it a sense of movement.

This reminded me of lightening leaders and i like how the
branch almost slices into the sky.

I don't know who this blanket/sheet belongs to, but I liked the
contrast of the idea of human products laced into this almost
opposite natural world. I also love the engravings on the wood.

This one's a bit different then the others as it's an extreme
close up. As you look at this you seem to see more details like
the hairs on the blades of grass and I was surprised at the
quality of this as it was taken on my phone.

Another closer shot. This photo varies from the other ones and
I liked how it breaks up the 'green-ness' of the other shots.

I have no idea what this is - some kind of plant.
But it looks funky.

In this image, I liked how the centre of the tree lines up with
 the side. I just really like the tree shape to be honest.

An interesting shadow, silhouette, sky contrast

I saw this and thought it looked secretive, suspicious, and
magical, so I snapped a shot and it turned out to look
super nice.

