
Showing posts from July, 2023

wales trip faves | photo analysis

 Thought id kinda review some of the photos i took when i went camping.. Started by picking some of my faves of the bunch that i took.  i like taking photos, but been grappling with my intentions with the format/medium and also struggling to see 'the point' in a way if that makes any sense. I remember i was trying to play with taking portrait vs landscape photos, and had a weird pull to shooting in portrait ? Also struggled with the exposure at times with the extremely bright sky. I think i need to learn what I like. What photos i take that i like, and go from there etc. Im going to try start doing stuff like this again, as i think ive been kinda doing it in note form, but need to start analysing my own work again and additionally want to watch n read more art, so might start writing more on that too. Think ive just been very vacant with the trudge of life and need to start hammering in signposts to the long drawn out trudge of time/life (not to get too existential) <3 36mm