
Showing posts from April, 2023

guitar loops series (1-3)

 started a new ongoing series accidentally, that i can go along with as i please. made using loop pedal and the imgs are made by layering black n white photos lots of them with photoshop


started with when i was filming the action pieces on my webcam also, and then i did some videos on my webcam while i was playing around with some guitar pedals i have.  Ive been wanting to do more throwaway quick projects and was thinking about cctv and webcam, thinking also of that site i found years ago where u can see live cctv cameras.  think ill try make more of these soon, just to give me something to make while i dont have adobe as needs no editing.

16mm film... can i make my own?

Image scan it like normal film w back light?? flicker. 12 frames , w black frame in between each (24 in total) per second. Test with selotape and piece of card test with sticky back plastic and made film holder out of layers of card n bound it like a book scanned strips from library Need 2 edit them into individual frames and put into video but had to cancel adobe 

fruit life drawin

desiree had never used oil paints before so we thought it would be fun to do a lil class thing and we had some fruit my mum gave me. I decided to go thru all the steps of underpainting just to give a good starting off point to possibly stray from and get used to how oil paints work.  Steps we went thru: DAY ONE 1: wash layer. staining the paper with a mix of burnt sienna and turps and then drawing the design out with a darker tone and wiping away the highlights. 2. Gray layer. Using burnt sienna and white to create different tones and filling the painting out with detail to create underpainting. Could have took the underpainting further, but since this was just a learning curve/ experiment i was happy with it. DAY TWO. 3. colour. Ive never got to this step as the only paintings Ive done using this particular underpainting method is the binder one that i did only in a gray layer and the archangel michael which is still in the gray layer as i cant work

Yorkshire sculpture park

Went on a little trip to yorkshire sculpture park and took some photos using my phone.  started with a coffee (obviously)