
Showing posts from December, 2017

Week Four of our Documentary

MONDAY THE TWENTY SEVENTH OF NOVEMBER A fresh day of a new week, and things got immensely better. We began sorting risk assessment & things we needed for print outs as our location was looking more solid now. Liselle got back to Kylan and she said we could go check out the space. It was super cool and probably better than the church as it had sofas and a kitchen area. Liselle said she would do £12 /hour for us, even though it was usually £25. We decided to do 3 hours, meaning we would only had to add £4 each onto the deposit. More things we did after that: more risk assess, other print outs, lukas emailed herald to confirm location, and kylan made edits to poster and fb page. TUESDAY THE TWENTY EIGHTH OF NOVEMBER Went to library with Mindi and we ploughed through the rest of the paper work and got it signed off by Anne. I also finished doing the print outs and Kylan and Lukas handed out leaflets. WEDNESDAY THE TWENTY NINTH OF NOVEMBER Again; went to the library. We